Art History

    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Temple of the Niches; El Tajin, Lowland Gulfcoast
    • PERIOD; EpiClassic
    • STYLE; El Tajin
    • TERMS; Flaring Cornice, Niche, Stepped fret Frieze
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Ball Game Relief Sacrificial Scene; El Tajin, Lowland Gulfcoast
    • PERIOD; EpiClassic
    • STYLE; El Tajin
    • TERMS; Yoke, Palma, Hache, Scroll Work, Cloud Motif, Sky Dragon, Pulque, Ollin glyph, Maguey
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Pyramid of the Magician; Yucatan
    • PERIOD; EpiClassic
    • STYLE; Maya-Puuc, Los Chenes, Teotihuacan
    • TERMS; Puuc, Los Chenes, Lattice Panels, Stepped frets, Chac masks, Veneer Masonry, Teotihuacan
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Governors Palace; Yucatan
    • PERIOD; EpiClassic
    • STYLE; Maya Puuc, Los Chenes
    • TERMS; Mosaic Frieze, Corbeled Vault, Veneer Masonry, Roof Comb
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Temple Platform; Xochicalco, Central Highland
    • PERIOD; EpiClassic
    • STYLE; Xochicalco
    • TERMS; Talud-Tablero, Flaring Cornice, Feathered Serpents, Cultural Diffusion, Maya, El Tajin, Teotihuacan
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Building "A" Wall Mural; Cacaxtla, Central Highland
    • PERIOD; EpiClassic
    • STYLE; Cacaxtla
    • TERMS; Seibal, Usamacintla River, Olmeca Xicallanca, Chontal Maya, Fresco, Maya Style
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Pyramid B; Tula, Central Highland
    • PERIOD; Post-Classic
    • STYLE; Toltec
    • TERMS; Columned Hall, Coatepantli, Atlantean, Cipactli Glyph, Dentate, Chac Mool, Coyotes & Jaguars, Eagles, Vultures
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Temple of the Warriors; Chichen Itza, Yucatan
    • PERIOD; Post-Classic
    • STYLE; Maya-Toltec
    • TERMS; Izamal, Itza, Coba, Isla Arritos, Multepal, Prototype, Gallery of Notables, Hegemony, Cultural diffusion
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; The Castillo, Temple of Ukulkan; Yucatan
    • PERIOD; Post-Classic
    • STYLE; Maya-Toltec
    • TERMS; Jaguar Throne, Spring Equinox, Dentate, Scapulary, Puuc, Cosmographic
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; The Ballcourt; Chichen Itza, Yucatan
    • PERIOD; Post-Classic
    • STYLE; Maya-Toltec
    • TERMS; Puuc, Peten, Usamacinta, Central Mexican, Tzompantli, Coyotes & Jaguars
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Palace of Columns; Mitla, Oaxala Highland
    • PERIOD; Post-Classic
    • STYLE; Mixtec-Zapotec
    • TERMS; Mixtec, Secular, Dentate, Stepped Fret, Veneer Masonry
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Templo Mayor; Tenochtitlan, Central Highland
    • PERIOD; Post-Classic
    • STYLE; Aztec-Tenocha, Mexican
    • TERMS; Tlaloc, Huitzilopochtli, Serpent Mountain, Equinoxtial Function, Axis Mundi, Naquals, Altepetl
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; Coatlicue; Tenochtitlan, Central Highland
    • PERIOD; Post-Classic
    • STYLE; Aztec-Tenocha, Mexican
    • TERMS; Quetzalcoatal, Xolotl, Earth Mother, Duality
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY; St. Francis of Tecamachalco; Central Highland
    • PERIOD; Colonization
    • STYLE; Medieval, Mudejar, Gothic, Indigenous
    • TERMS; Syncretism, Alfiz, Flamboyant arch, Polylobed arch, Bar & dot count method, Copali, Gothic Rib vaulted, ceiling, Open/Indian Chapel
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Vision of Jesus Christ & the Seven Candelabras; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Renaissance, De Romano & Indigenous
    • TERMS: Natural Colors, Copy Book, Tequitqui, Choir Balcony, Syncretism
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: St. Augustine of Ixmiquilpan
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Renaissance, De Romano & Indigenous
    • TERMS: A Lo Romano, De Romano, Griffins, Shields, Foliated, Urns, Speech Glyphs
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Atria Cross, Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Medieval, Mendoza Plan
    • TERMS: World Tree, Axis Mundi, Passion of Christ, Four Evangelists, Atria Courtyard, Syncretism
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Church at Huejotzingo, St. Francis; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Medieval, Renaissance, Plateresque
    • TERMS: Choir window, Polylobed Arch, Alfiz, Knotted Cord, Porteria, Open/Indian Chapel, Facade, Engaged Columns, Pedestal Bases
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Posa Chapel Fr. Huejotzingo; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Medieval
    • TERMS: Posa, Calpan, Indigenous Style- Carving, Franciscan order, Mendoza Plan
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Virgin of the Pardons, by Simon Peryn; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Renaissance
    • TERMS: Surface Realism, Chiaroscuro, Oil Technique, Drapery, The Human Figure, Perspective, Calles, Pisos, Alter Screen, Retablo
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: St. Francis of Tecali; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Renaissance
    • STYLE: Renaissance
    • TERMS: Basilica plan, Open nave arcade, Fluted Engaged Columns, Ren. proportion, Triumphal Arch Concept, Pedestal Base, Niche, Diamond decoration, Tecali-Onyx, Pediment, Tritostyle Columns
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Santo Domingo Oaxaca; Oaxaca Highland
    • PERIOD: Renaissance
    • STYLE: Renaissance, Alter Screen
    • TERMS: Carved Relief Stucco, Poblano, Choir Balcony, Calles, Pisos, Yeseria
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: House of Montejo; Yucatan
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Renaissance, Plateresque, Gothic
    • TERMS: Halberdiers, Atlantes, Francisco de montejo, Plateresque
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: St. Augustine Acolman; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Colonization
    • STYLE: Plateresque, Indigenous, Renaissance
    • TERMS: Nahuatl, Augustinian, Plateresque, Candelabra Column, Swag, Garlan, Surface Realism, Tactile, Facade, Porteria, Convento, Espadana, Glyph, Open Chapel
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Cathedral of Mexico City; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Renaissance
    • STYLE: Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassic
    • TERMS: Salamonic columns, Volutes, Urns, Balustrade, Interrupted Horizontals
    • TITLE/GEOGRAHY: Cathedral of Puebla; Central Highland
    • PERIOD: Renaissance
    • STYLE: Renaissance
    • TERMS: Bishop Palafox, Juan de Herrera, Herreresque, Pilaster, Escorial, Finial
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Art History
art history exam 2 slides