Rectus Femoris
- Location- on center of anterior surface of femur
- Origin- anterior inferior iliac spine and superior margin of acetabulum
- Insertion- base of patella and tibial tuberosity
- Action- extends the leg at the knee
Vastus Lateralis
- Location- lateral and posterior to rectus femoris
- Origin- greater trochanter and posterior surface of femur (linea aspera)
- Insertion- base of patella and tibial tuberosity
- Action- extends the leg at the knee
Vastus Medialis
- Location- medial and posterior to rectus femoris
- Origin- medial surface of femur
- Insertion- base of patella and tibial tuberosity
- Action- extends the leg at the knee
Vastus Intermedius
- Location- center of thigh behind rectus femoris
- Origin- anterior and lateral surface of proximal femur shaft
- Insertion- base of patella and tibial tuberosity
- Action- extends leg at the knee
Biceps Femoris
- Location- posterior lateral surface of thigh
- Origin- ischial tuberosity and linea aspera of femur
- Insertion- head of fibula and lateral condyle of femur
- Action- flexes the leg at the knee
- Location- posterior thigh, medial to biceps femoris
- Origin- ischial tuberosity
- Insertion- medial surface of tibia
- Action- flexes leg at knee
- Location- lies underneath the biceps femoris and semitendinosus
- Origin- ischial tuberosity
- Insertion- medial condyle of tibia
- Action- flexes leg at knee
- Location- passes diagonally across anterior thigh
- Origin- anterior superior iliac spine
- Insertion- medial portion of proximal tibia
- Action- flexes leg at knee