pharmacology chapter 19&20

  1. classifications of analgesics: opioid
    analgesics relieve pain. opioid: controlled, contain natural opium alkaloids and synthetics. tolerance, dependence and addiction possible.
  2. actions and class. of nonopioid analgesics
    often otc meds, relieve mild to moderate pain, fever, and inflammation.
  3. butorphanol
    • Stadol, Stadol NS-
    • moderate to severe acute pain
    • opioid
  4. codeine
    • Codeine
    • -mild to moderate acute chronic, and cancer pain; antitussive
    • opioid
  5. fentanyl citrate
    • Sublimaze
    • -moderate to severe acute, chronic, or cancer pain
    • Duragesic
    • -(transdermal patches)-not for acute pain
    • opioid
  6. hydrocodone
    • Lorcet-
    • moderate acute,chronic, cancer pain or antitussive
    • opioid
  7. hydrocodone with acetaminophen
    • Lortab-
    • moderate acute, chronic, cancer pain

    • Vicodin-""""""""
    • opioid
  8. hydromorphone
    • Dilaudid
    • - moderate to severe chronic of cancer pain
    • opioid
  9. meperidine
    • Demerol
    • - moderate to severe acute pain, not for chronic pain; not for older people.
    • opioid
  10. methadone

    • - Severe acute chronic and cancer pain; narcotic with drawal
    • opioid
  11. morphine sulfate
    • opioid --Morphine
    • MS Contin
    • Avinza SR cap
    • MSIR-immediate release
    • moderate to severe acute,chronic, or cancer pain.don't crush possible fatal OD
  12. oxycodone
    • Oxycontin
    • -abuse potential Fatal OD, no crush
    • Roxicodone
    • -moderate to severe acute chronic or cancer pain
    • opioid
  13. oxycodone with aspirin (asa)
    • Percodan
    • -pain reliever
    • opioid
  14. oxycodone with acetaminophen
    • Tylox
    • Percocet:
    • moderate to severe acute chronic cancer pain
    • opioid
  15. pentazocaine
    • Talwin-NX
    • moderate to severe pain. not for older pt
    • opioid
  16. propoxyphene KCl
    • Darvon
    • -mild to moderate
    • opioid
  17. propoxyphene with APAP
    • Darvocet
    • -not for older adults; mild to moderate pain
    • opioid
  18. acetylsalicylic acid
    • Aspirin-nonopioid
    • ASA
    • Ecotrin
    • Ascriptin
    • Bufferin---give with food or milk
  19. acetaminophen
    • Tylenol
    • Panadol
    • Tempra
    • nonopioid
  20. combos ASA and caffeine
    • Anacin
    • nonopioid
  21. ASA and meprobamate
    • Equagesic
    • used to treat pain accompanied by anxiety/tension
    • nonopioid
  22. ASA,APAP, and caffeine.
    • Excedrin
    • -migraine headache
    • nonopioid
  23. butalbital, caffeine, and APAP
    • Esgic
    • Fioricet
    • -treats pain accompanied by anxiety/tension
    • nonopioid
  24. tramadol
    • Ultram
    • -strong analgesic not controlled
    • nonopioid
  25. tramadol with APAP
    • Ultracet
    • -strong analgesic not controlled
    • nonopioid
  26. amitriptyline
    • Elavil
    • -caution combining with opioids. interacts with CNS tk in pm
    • tricyclic antidepressants
  27. nortriptyline
    • Pamelor
    • tricyclic antidepressants
  28. imipramine
    • Tofranil
    • tricyclic antidepressant
  29. carbamazepine
    • Tegretol
    • -for trigeminal neuralgia
    • anticonvulsant
  30. gabapentin
    • Neurontin
    • -nerve pain; postherpetic neualgia
    • anticonvulsant
  31. lamotrigine
    • Lamictal
    • -use when pt is unresponsive to other meds
    • anticonvulsant
  32. lidocaine
    • Lidoderm
    • -postherpetic neuralgia-transdermal patches
    • local anesthetic
  33. eletriptan
    • Relpax
    • -antimigraine
  34. rizatriptan
    • Maxalt
    • Maxalt ODT
    • antimigraine
  35. sumatriptan
    • Imitrex
    • antimigraine
  36. chloral hydrate
    • short term treatment of insomnia
    • stops being effective after 2 weeks
    • nonbarbituarate
  37. estazolam
    • Prosom
    • rapid onset immediate duration
    • nonbarbituarate
  38. flurazepam
    • Dalmane
    • rapid onset, long half-life
    • nonbarbituarate
  39. temazepam
    • Restoril
    • intermediate onset, duration
    • nonbarbituarate
  40. triazolam
    • Halcion
    • can cause amnesia, hallucinations, bizarre behavior
    • rapid onset, short duration
    • nonbarbituarate
  41. zolpidem
    • Ambien
    • rapid induction 30 minutes, short duration (3h)
    • nonbarbituarate
  42. zaleplon
    • Sonata
    • Rapid onset; very short half life give qhs
    • nonbarbituarate
  43. caffeine citrate
    • Cafcit
    • neonatal apena-do not use caffeine and sodium benzoate
    • CNS stimulant
  44. amphetamines
    • Adderall,Adderall XR
    • for narcolepsy,ADD,ADHD >3yo
    • CNS stimulant
  45. methylphenidate
    • Ritalin,Ritalin SR,Metadate ER, Metadate CD, Ritalin LA, Concerta
    • >6-for narcolepsy,ADD,ADHD,senile apathy,major depression
  46. modafinil
    • Provigil
    • For narcolepsy,sleep apnea, and shiftwork sleep disorder
  47. atomoxetine
    • Stattera
    • ADHD
    • suicidal risks
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pharmacology chapter 19&20