BSI Images

  1. What type of epithelium is this?
    Simple Columnar Epithelium

  2. What type of epithelium is this?
    Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

  3. What type of epithelium is this?
    Simple Squamous Epithelium

  4. What type of epithelium is this?
    Stratified Columnar Epithelium

  5. What type of epithelium is this?
    Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

  6. What type of epithelium is this?
    Stratified Squamous Epithelium

  7. What type of epithelium is this?
    • Transitional Epithelium (Happy Hour Tissues)
    • (for this example we would have two pictures: one relaxed and one stretched)

  8. What type of connective tissue is this?
    Areolar Connective Tissue (loose connective tissue proper)

  9. What type of connective tissue is this?
    Adipose Tissue (loose connective tissue proper)

  10. What type of connective tissue is this?
    Reticular (loose proper)

  11. What type of connective tissue is this?
    • Connective tissue proper, dense irregular
    • (Fibers are in all different directions)

  12. What type of connective tissue is this?
    Connective tissue proper, dense regular

  13. What type of cartilage is this?

  14. What type of cartilage is this?

  15. What type of cartilage is this?

  16. What type of tissue is this?

  17. What type of tissue is this?

  18. What type of muscle tissue is this?
    Skeletal: striated, no branching, oriented in one direction

  19. What type of muscle tissue is this?
    Cardiac: has branching, orientated in various directions, has intercalated discs

  20. What type of muscle tissue is this?
    Smooth Muscle: can't see striations because of random orientation of fibers

  21. What type of tissue is this?
    Nerve Tissue: axon, dendrites, cell body
Card Set
BSI Images
Images of tissues, muscles, etc.