COMPACT STATES = states with loosely circular shape; easy to govern and defend ex: poland, Belgium
states with loosely circular shape; easy to govern and defend ex: poland, Belgium
broken apart; separated by water. Difficult to govern. ex: Indonesia, Japan
stretched a long distance form one end to another. EX: Chile
States with extended arm. Ex: Thailand
States that have another state inside them. EX: South africa, Italy
Completely surrounded by other countries with no access to sea. Ex: Mongolia
An area that belongs to a state, but is not physically connected to said state.Ex: Alaska, Kaliningrad.
A separate part of a state that is completely surrounded by another. Ex: Armenia and Azerbaijan
Natural Boundary:
State is separated by
Artificial Boundary:
EX: Canada and the USA are separated by the 49th parallel.
How different states in the USA are split up, so each piece has equal representation. Divided by population.
Congressional Districts:
Separated by population
Making congressional districts into different areas to get a lead on voting
Centripetal force:
Pulls a country together
Centrifugal force:
Pushes a country apart
Representative Democracy:
Representatives; multiple political parties
Direct Democracy:
1 person, one vote; multiple political parties
Absolute Monarchy:
King/Queen rule all
Constitutional Monarchy:
Figureheads; Parliament makes laws
One person rules everything. Ex: Kim Jong Il
Political power held by government. Government type and economic system.
Elected officials and government ownership of business. Everyone supports each other with higher taxes.
Ruled by few. Wealthy make decisions.
strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.
Elect a few representative to make all decisions. Based on the people.
Group of common ancestry. Ex: Native Americans.
A country with recognized borders.
The only nation within a state. Ratio of nation to state is 1:x
Stateless Nation:
Nation without a state. Ex: Kurds, Palestinians, Basques
Multinational State:
A state with many different nations conglomerated within said state.
Market Economy:
Goods and Production determined by consumer demand.
Socialist economy:
Government can take over the companies on demand
Traditional Economy:
Barter; goods are consumed by the goods makers. Generally agricultural/rural
Renewable resources:
Can be replaced through natural processes
cant be replaced upon removal from ground
inexhaustible energy sources:
result of solar or planetary processes; unlimited
Primary activities:
Gathering raw materials, such as timber, from the ground.
Primary activity example:
Secondary activities:
iadding value to materials by changing their form.
Secondary activity examples:
Tertiary Activities:
providing business or professional services.
Tertiary activity example:
salespeople, teachers, doctors.
Quarternary Activities:
Providing information, management, and research.
Quarternary Activity Example:
Manager, researcher
Gross national product:
value of everything made by the country over a period of time
Gross domestic product:
value of everything made within the country over time
basic support systems needed to keep an economy going.
Examples of infrastructure:
power, communications, water, sanitation, and education systems.
Per capita income:
the average amount of income achieved per person.
multiple nuclei, concentric zone, sector.
Multiple Nuclei
a city may have started with a central business district, similar industries with common land-use and financial requirements are established near each other. These groupings influence their immediate neighborhood.
Concentric zone:
five rings, CBD in the center
Sector Model:
While accepting the existence of a central business district, Hoyt suggested that zones expand outward from the city center along railroads, highways, and other transportation arteries.
Urban heirarchy:
City -> town -> Village -> Hamlet
Rank size rule:
City = 1; Town = 1/2; Village = 1/3; Hamlet = 1/4.