STUDYYYYYYYYYNESS ch 4; economies and shzz.txt

  1. States=
  2. COMPACT STATES = states with loosely circular shape; easy to govern and defend ex: poland, Belgium
    states with loosely circular shape; easy to govern and defend ex: poland, Belgium
    broken apart; separated by water. Difficult to govern. ex: Indonesia, Japan
    stretched a long distance form one end to another. EX: Chile
    States with extended arm. Ex: Thailand
  6. Perforated:
    States that have another state inside them. EX: South africa, Italy
  7. Landlocked:
    Completely surrounded by other countries with no access to sea. Ex: Mongolia
  8. Exclave:
    An area that belongs to a state, but is not physically connected to said state.Ex: Alaska, Kaliningrad.
  9. Enclave:
    A separate part of a state that is completely surrounded by another. Ex: Armenia and Azerbaijan
  10. Natural Boundary:
    State is separated by
  11. Artificial Boundary:
    EX: Canada and the USA are separated by the 49th parallel.
  12. County:
    How different states in the USA are split up, so each piece has equal representation. Divided by population.
  13. Congressional Districts:
    Separated by population
  14. Jerrymandering:
    Making congressional districts into different areas to get a lead on voting
  15. Centripetal force:
    Pulls a country together
  16. Centrifugal force:
    Pushes a country apart
  17. Representative Democracy:
    Representatives; multiple political parties
  18. Direct Democracy:
    1 person, one vote; multiple political parties
  19. Absolute Monarchy:
    King/Queen rule all
  20. Constitutional Monarchy:
    Figureheads; Parliament makes laws
  21. Dictatorship:
    One person rules everything. Ex: Kim Jong Il
  22. Communism:
    Political power held by government. Government type and economic system.
  23. Socialism:
    Elected officials and government ownership of business. Everyone supports each other with higher taxes.
  24. Oligarchy:
    Ruled by few. Wealthy make decisions.
  25. Fascism:
    strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.
  26. Anarchy:
    Lack of gov't
  27. Republic:
    Elect a few representative to make all decisions. Based on the people.
  28. Nation:
    Group of common ancestry. Ex: Native Americans.
  29. State:
    A country with recognized borders.
  30. Nation-state:
    The only nation within a state. Ratio of nation to state is 1:x
  31. Stateless Nation:
    Nation without a state. Ex: Kurds, Palestinians, Basques
  32. Multinational State:
    A state with many different nations conglomerated within said state.
  33. Market Economy:
    Goods and Production determined by consumer demand.
  34. Socialist economy:
    Government can take over the companies on demand
  35. Traditional Economy:
    Barter; goods are consumed by the goods makers. Generally agricultural/rural
  36. Renewable resources:
    Can be replaced through natural processes
  37. non-renewable:
    cant be replaced upon removal from ground
  38. inexhaustible energy sources:
    result of solar or planetary processes; unlimited
  39. Primary activities:
    Gathering raw materials, such as timber, from the ground.
  40. Primary activity example:
  41. Secondary activities:
    iadding value to materials by changing their form.
  42. Secondary activity examples:
  43. Tertiary Activities:
    providing business or professional services.
  44. Tertiary activity example:
    salespeople, teachers, doctors.
  45. Quarternary Activities:
    Providing information, management, and research.
  46. Quarternary Activity Example:
    Manager, researcher
  47. Gross national product:
    value of everything made by the country over a period of time
  48. Gross domestic product:
    value of everything made within the country over time
  49. infrastructure:
    basic support systems needed to keep an economy going.
  50. Examples of infrastructure:
    power, communications, water, sanitation, and education systems.
  51. Per capita income:
    the average amount of income achieved per person.
    multiple nuclei, concentric zone, sector.
  53. Multiple Nuclei
    a city may have started with a central business district, similar industries with common land-use and financial requirements are established near each other. These groupings influence their immediate neighborhood.
  54. Concentric zone:
    five rings, CBD in the center
  55. Sector Model:
    While accepting the existence of a central business district, Hoyt suggested that zones expand outward from the city center along railroads, highways, and other transportation arteries.
  56. Urban heirarchy:
    City -> town -> Village -> Hamlet
  57. Rank size rule:
    City = 1; Town = 1/2; Village = 1/3; Hamlet = 1/4.
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STUDYYYYYYYYYNESS ch 4; economies and shzz.txt
chapter 4