Computer Test

  1. Five Proficiencies
    • 1. Learner-Centered Knowledge
    • 2. Learner-Centered Instruction
    • 3. Equity in Excellence for All Learners
    • 4. Learner-Centered Communication
    • 5. Learner-Centered Professional Development
  2. Abbreviations for Proficiencies
    • KIECD
    • Knowledge
    • Instruction
    • Equality in Excellence
    • Communication
    • Development-Professional
  3. Six Bloom's Taxonomy
    • 1. Knowledge
    • 2. Comprehension
    • 3. Application
    • 4. Analysis
    • 5. Synthesis
    • 6. Evaluation
  4. ACT
    American College Testing Program
  5. AP
    Advanced Placement
  6. BICS
    Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
  7. BRI
    Basic Reading Inventory
  8. CALPS
    Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Survey
  9. CAT
    California Achievement Test
  10. CEIC
    Campus Educational Improvement Committee
  11. CSI
    Cognitive Skills Inventory
  12. DEIC
    District Educational Improvement Committee
  13. HLS
    Home Language Survey
  14. IRI
    Informal Reading Inventory
  15. LEP
    Limited English Proficient
  16. PEIMS
    Public Education Information Management System
  17. PSAT
    Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test
  18. RPTE
    Reading Proficiency Tests in English
  19. SAT
    Scholastic Aptitude Test
  20. SDAA
    State Developed Alternative Assessment
  21. VIPS
    Volunteers in Public Schools
  22. Three Code of Ethics
    • 1. Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices and Performance.
    • 2. Ethical Conduct Toward Professional Colleagues.
    • 3. Ethical Conduct Toward Students.
  23. Four Domains
    • Domain I: Technology Applications Core
    • Domain II: Digital Graphics/Animation and Desktop Publishing
    • Domain III: Video Technology and Multimedia
    • Domain IV: Webmastering
  24. Domain I Standards
    Standards I-V
  25. Domain II Standards
    Standards II, VII, VIII
  26. Domain III Standards
    Standard IX, X
  27. Domain IV Standards
  28. Standard I
    Technology-related terms, concepts, data imput strategies, and ethical practices.
  29. Standard II
    Identify task requirements, apply search stategies, and use current technology to efficiently acquire, analyze, and evaluate
  30. Standard III
    Task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and modify solutions, and evaluate results
  31. Standard IV
    Communicate information
  32. Standard V
    Know how to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction
  33. Standard VII
    Desktop publishing teacher has the knowledge and skills needed to teach the Foundations, Information Acquisition, Work in Solving Problems, and Communication strands
  34. Standard VIII
    Digital graphics/animation teacher has the knowledge and skills needed to teach the Foundations, Information Acquisition, Work in Solving Problems, and Communication stands
  35. Standard IX
    Knowledge and skills needed to teach the Foundations, Information Acquisition, Work in Solving Problems, and Communication strands
  36. Standard X
    Video technology teacher has the knowledge and skills needed to teach the Foundations, Information Acquisition, Work in Solving Problems, and Communication strands
  37. Standard XI
    Web mastering teacher has knowledge and skills needed to teach the Foundations, Information Acquisition, Work in Solving Problems, and Communication strands
  38. Competency 001
    • Teacher knows:
    • terminology and concepts;
    • 2. appropriate use of hardward, software, and digital files; and
    • 3. how to acquire, analyze, and evaluate digital information.
  39. Competency 002
    The Technology Applications teacher knows how to use technology tools to solve problems, evaluate results, and communicate information in a variety of formats for diverse audiences.
  40. Competency 003
    The Technology Applications teacher knows how to plan, oganize, deliver, and evaluate instuction that effectively utilizes current technology for teaching the TEKS for all students
  41. Competency 004
    The Technology Applications teacher demonstrates knowledge of the principles of design and their application to digital graphics/animation poducts.
  42. Competency 005
    The Technology Applications teacher demonstrates knowledge of principles of typography and page design and knows how to use technology tools to create desktop publishing products.
  43. Competency 006
    The Technology Applications teacher knows how to use graphics, animation, and desktop publishing software to produce products that convey a specificed message to an intended audience.
  44. Competency 007
    The Technology Applications teacher knows how to produce and distribute digital video and multimedia products.
  45. Competency 008
    The Technology Applications teacher demonstrates knowledge of strategies and techniques used in the preproduction, productions, and postproductions of video products.
  46. Competency 009
    The Technology Applications teacher knows how to design, produce, and distribute multimedia products.
  47. Competency 010
    The Technology Applications teacher demonstrates knowledge of strategies and techniques for Web site administration.
  48. Competency 011
    The Technology Applications teacher knows principles of Web page design and uses a variety of tools and techniques to design and troubleshoot Web pages for a diverse audience.
  49. Competency 012
    The Technology Applications teacher knows how to use Web pages to communicate and interact effectively with others.
Card Set
Computer Test
Technology Applications EC-12