
  1. Skeletal
    Muscles that attach to bone, Mulit-Nucleated
  2. Visceral/Smooth
    Muscles that wrap the walls of hollow internal structures, Web Like
  3. Cardiac
    Muscle that forms the walls of the heart, Striated
  4. Tendon
    Attaches muscle to bone
  5. Achillies Tendon
    Attaches gasterocnemius to the heal
  6. Aponeurosis
    Tendon that forms a broad flat sheet
  7. Galea
    Cranial, connects the frontal to the occiptal (Aponeurosis)
  8. Linea Alba
    Abdonmen, Median tendons that line the abdonimal walls (Aponeurosis)
  9. Ligament
    Connects bone to bone
  10. ACL
    Knee Ligaments
  11. Fascia
    Connective tissues surrounding muscles
  12. Origin
    Attachment of tendon to stationary bone, Promixal
  13. Insertion
    Attachment of tendon to movable bone, Distal
  14. Flexion
    Movement that decreases the angle b/w bone
  15. Extension
    Movement that increases angle b/w bone
  16. Hyperextension
    Continuing movement beyond anatomical position
  17. Abduction
    Movement of bone away from the mid line
  18. Adduction
    Movement of bone towards the mid line
  19. Rotation
    Movement of a part on its on axis
  20. Circumduction
    Movement when the distal end of a bone moves in a circle
  21. Supination
    Movement of the forearm where the palm is up
  22. Elevation
    Movement of the body in an upward position
  23. Pronation
    Movement of the forearm where the palm is down
  24. Prime Mover
    Muscle movement that causes disered action
  25. Synergist
    Helps the prime mover in desired movement
  26. Antagonist
    Yeilds to the prime mover
  27. Sarcolemma
    Membrane that surrounds each muscle fiber
  28. Sarcoplasm
    Cytoplasm within the Sarcolemma
  29. Myofibris
    Thread like structures that make up muscle fibers
  30. Endomysium
    Connective tissue seperating individual fibers, cells
  31. Perimysium
    Connective tissue that divides muscles into bundles
  32. Epimysium
    Connective tissue that muscles are wrapped in
  33. Isotonic
    Muscles that shorten in length
  34. Isometric
    Muscles that do not shorten in length
  35. Motor Neuron
    Functioning units of the nervous systems
  36. Motor Plate
    Where the axon comes into contact with muscle membrane
  37. Neuromascular Junction
    Specific contact area b/w nueron and muscle fiber
  38. Motor Unit
    Is the Motor Neuron that stimulates the muscle
  39. Ventilation
    Inspiration, pushing or drawing in gasses into lungs
  40. Internal Respiration
    Exchange of gasses b/w blood and cells
  41. External Resiration
    Exchange of gasses b/w lungs and blood
  42. Cellular Respiration
    Breakdown of substances in the presence of oxygen
  43. Chemoreceptors
    Receptors that are stimulated by a certain chemical, sends impluses to increase respiration
  44. Respiratory Center
    Area in the brainstem from which nerve impluses are sent to the respitory muscles
  45. Negative Pressure
    The physiology of breathing, like a sucking in pressure
  46. How many lobes are in each lung
    • 2 lobes on the left
    • 3 lobes on the right
  47. Name the 7 ways a mucle can be named
    • Origin & Insertion
    • Action
    • Direction of Fibers
    • Muscles Location
    • Size
    • # Of Origins
    • Shape
  48. How Many Muscles are in the Human Body
  49. What does a muscle do when it Contracts?
  50. Do Muslce cross over the Joint?
    Yes, True
  51. Are Muslces also Organs?
    Yes, True
  52. How Many times does Cardiac muscle contract a min?
  53. What is the leafy like structure loacated in the throat
  54. What is the Air cell of the lungs
  55. What is The membrane that encloses the Lung
  56. Name the Tracheobronchial Tree
    • Trachea
    • Lobar Bronchi
    • Segmental Bronchi
    • Terminal Bronchioles
    • Respiratory Bronchioles
    • Alveolar Duct
    • Alveoli
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