
  1. -itis
  2. Otitis
    • -itis
    • inflammation of ear
  3. Adenitis
    • -itis
    • inflammation of gland
  4. peritonitis
    • -itis
    • inflammation of the peritoneum
  5. dermatitis
    • -itis
    • inflammation of the skin
  6. -ize
    • use, subject to
    • (makes a noun or adjective into a verb)
  7. Anesthetize
    • -ize
    • subject to anesthesia
  8. Euthanatize
    • -ize
    • subject to euthanasia
  9. Cauterize
    • -ize
    • burn with a cautery
  10. -logy
    science, study of
  11. Biology
    • -logy
    • science of life
  12. Histology
    • -logy
    • study of tissues
  13. microbiology
    • -logy
    • study of very small microbes (bacteria, viruses)
  14. -oma
  15. Carcinoma
    • -oma
    • cancerous growth
  16. Adenoma
    • -oma
    • tumor arising from gland
  17. melanoma
    • -oma
    • tumor of the skin
  18. hematoma
    • -oma
    • tumor filled with blood
  19. -penia
    deficiency of, lack of
  20. Eosinopenia
    • -penia
    • deficiency of eosinophils
  21. Leukopenia
    • -penia
    • deficiency of white blood cells
  22. cytopenia
    • -penia
    • deficiency of cells in the blood
  23. -pexy, pexis
  24. Gastropexy
    • -pexy
    • fixation of stomach
  25. Abomasopexy
    • -pexy
    • fixation of abomasum
  26. -phage, -phagy
  27. Coprophagy
    • -phagy
    • eating feces
  28. Macrophage
    • -phage
    • large engulfing cell
  29. -phobia
    abnormal fear or intolerance
  30. Ailurophobia
    • -phobia
    • fear or hatred of cats
  31. Photophobia
    • -phobia
    • intolerance to light
  32. hydrophobia
    • -phobia
    • fear of water
  33. -plasia, -plastic, -plasty
    forming, growing, changing
  34. Anaplasia
    • -plasia
    • changing structure of cells
  35. Aplastic
    • -plastice
    • lack of cell growth
  36. Otoplasty
    • -plasty
    • surgical change to ear
  37. neoplastic
    • -plastic
    • growing new tissue
  38. -pnea
  39. Apnea
    • -pnea
    • abscence of breathing
  40. Dyspnea
    • -pnea
    • difficult breathing
  41. -rrhaphy
    suturing in place
  42. Herniorrhaphy
    • -rrhaphy
    • repair of hernia
  43. Osteorrhaphy
    • -rrhaphy
    • wiring of bone
  44. -rrhea
    flow or discharge
  45. Seborrhea
    • -rrhea
    • excessive sebum secretion
  46. Diarrhea
    • -rrhea
    • watery feces
  47. -rrhexis
  48. Enterorrhexis
    • -rrhexis
    • intestinal rupture
  49. Karyorrhexis
    • -rrhexis
    • break up of cell nucleus
  50. -scope
    instrument for examining
  51. Microscope
    • -scope
    • instrument for examining minute objects
  52. Endoscope
    • -scope
    • instrument for examining body interior
  53. -scopy
    act of examining
  54. Microscopy
    • -scopy
    • act of examining minute objects
  55. Endoscopy
    • -scopy
    • using an endoscope
  56. colonoscopy
    • -scopy
    • act of examining the colon
  57. -stomy
    surgical opening
  58. Colostomy
    • -stomy
    • surgical opening of colon to body surface
  59. Gastrostomy
    • -stomy
    • surgical opening into stomach
  60. -tome
    instrument for cutting
  61. Fetotome
    • -tome
    • instrument for cutting up dead fetus
  62. Microtome
    • -tome
    • for cutting thin sections for microscopy
  63. -tomy
    cutting, incision
  64. Cystotomy
    • -tomy
    • cutting of urinary bladder
  65. Rumenotomy
    • -tomy
    • incision into rumen
Card Set
vet tech medical terminology suffix set 3 -itis to -tomy