Science Vocabulary

  1. deforestation
    destruction and cutting down of forests--often to clear land for mining, roads, and grazing of cattle--resulting in increased atmospheric CO2 levels
  2. global warming
    increase in the average global temperature of Earth
  3. greenhouse effect
    heat-trapping feature of the atmosphere that occurs when certain gasses in Earth's atmosphere, such as methane, CO2, and water vapor, trap heat
  4. El Nino
    climatic event that begins in the Pacific Ocean; may occur when trade winds weaken or reverse, and can disrupt normal temperature and precipitation patterns around the world
  5. season
    short period of climate change in an area caused by the tilt of Earth's axis as earth revolves around the Sun
  6. hibernation
    bahavioral adaption for winter survival in which an animal's activity is greatly reduced, it's body temperature drops, and body processes slow down
  7. adaption
    any structural or behavioral change that helps an organism survive in it's particular environment
  8. temperature zone
    climate zones with moderate temperatures that are located between the tropics and the polar zones
  9. polar zone
    climate zones that receive solar radiation at a low angle, extend from 66 degrees north and 66 degrees south to the poles, and is never warm
  10. tropics
    climate zone that receives the most solar radiation, is located between latitudes 23 degree north and 23 degree south and is always hot, except at high elevations.
  11. climate
    average weather pattern in an area over a long period of time; can be classified by temperature, precipitation, and vegetation.
Card Set
Science Vocabulary
Science vocabulary quiz on 10/27/10