GRE Kaplan 200 Flashcards

  1. Since he had been a steady, cheer ful worker for many years, his fellow postal workers did not expect his ______ burst of rage
    • Aberrant: deviating from what is normal or expected.
    • Aberration: A deviation from what is normal

    • abnormal
    • anomalous
    • divergent
    • errant
    • deviant
    • irregular
  2. The submarine dove into the ______ to chart the previously unseen depths.
    • Abyss: an extremely deep hole.
    • Abyssal: Pertaining to great depth
    • Abysmal: Extremely bad.

    • chasm
    • void
  3. During Lent, practicing Catholics _____ from eating meat.
    Abstain: to choose not to do something

    • forbear
    • refrain
    • withhold
  4. The vegetarian _____ a diet containing no meat.
    • Advocate: to speak in favor of.
    • Advocacy: active support for

    • back
    • champion
    • support
  5. As the hurricane's force ______, the winds dropped and the sea became calm.
    Abate: to reduce in amount, degree, or severity

    • ebb
    • lapse
    • moderate
    • relent
    • subside
    • let up
    • slacken
    • wane
  6. The patron _____ from the restaurant without paying his bill by sneaking out the back door.
    Abscond: to leave secretly

    • decamp
    • escape
    • flee
  7. The restaurateur made his ketchup last longer by _____ it with water
    • Adulterate: to make impure.
    • Unadulterated: Pure.
    • Adultery: An illicit relationship; an affair.

    • doctor
    • debase
    • load
  8. The supervisor sought to _____ himself by claiming that the achievements of his staff were actually his own.
    Aggrandize: to increase in power, influence and reputation

    • apotheosize
    • augment
    • elevate
    • enlarge
    • exalt
    • glorify
    • swell
    • uplift
    • amplify
    • dignify
    • ennoble
    • magnify
  9. The _____ Movement regarded the pursuit
    of beauty to be the only true purpose of art.
    • Aesthetic: concerning the appreciation of beauty
    • Aesthete: Someone unusually sensitive to beauty
    • Aestheticism : Devoted to beauty

    • artistic
    • tasteful
  10. Taking aspirin helps to _____ a headache.
    Alleviate: to make more bearable

    • assuage
    • lessen
    • palliate
    • comfort
    • lighten
    • relieve
    • allay
    • ease
    • mitigate
  11. The restaurant won a reputation for fine service since the wait staff responded to their clients' requests with _____.
    Alacrity: speed or quickness

    • celerity
    • dispatch
    • haste
    • swiftness
  12. The directions he gave were so _____
    that we disagreed on which way to turn.
    Ambiguous: doubtful or uncertain, can be interp reted several ways.

    • doubtful
    • dubious
    • nebulous
    • indeterm
    • inate
    • unclear
    • vague
    • cloudy
    • equivocal
    • obscure
  13. Giant Industries _____ with Mega Products to form Giant-MegaProducts Incorporated.
    • Amalgamate: to combine, to mix together
    • Amalgam: a mixture, especially of two metals.

    • blend
    • coalesce
    • admix
    • commingle
    • intermingle
    • commix
    • intermix
    • mix
    • compound
    • merge
    • unite
    • combine
    • fuse
    • mingle
  14. The aged hippie used _____ phrases like 'groovy' and 'far out' that had not been popular for years .
    • Anachronism: something out of place in time.
    • anachronistic

    • archaism
    • incongruity
  15. The doctor was able to _____ the
    patient's suffering using pain-killers .
    Ameliorate: to make better; to improve

    • amend
    • better
    • improve
    • pacify
    • upgrade
  16. Albino animals may display too great an _____
    in their coloring to attract normally colored mates
    • Anomaly: deviation from what is normal.
    • Anomalous: Deviating from what is normal

    • aberrant
    • aberration
    • abnormality
    • deviance
    • deviation
    • irregularity
    • preternat
    • uralness
  17. His mother argued that not going to college
    was _____ to throwing his life away.
    • Analogous: similar or alike in some way; equivalent to
    • Analogy: a similarity between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
    • Analogue: something that is similar in some way to something else.

    • alike
    • equivalent
    • comparable
    • corresponding
    • homogeneous
    • parallel
    • similar
  18. The _____ between the French and the
    English regularly erupted into open warfare.
    Antipathy: extreme dislike

    • abhorrence
    • animosity
    • animus
    • antagonism
    • aversion
    • dislike
    • enmity
    • hatred
    • hostility
    • loathing
    • repellence
    • repugnance
    • repulsion
    • revulsion
  19. The child discovered that he could _____ the cat by pulling its tail.
    • Antagonize: to annoy or provoke to anger
    • Antagonistic : tending to provoke conflict
    • Antagonist: someone who fights another

    • clash
    • conflict
    • incite
    • irritate
    • oppose
    • pester
    • provoke
    • vex
  20. There is no hard or authoritative evidence to support the _____ tales that link the Roswell, New Mexico, incident to a downed V.F.O.
    Apocryphal: of questionable authority or authenticity.

    • disputed
    • doubtful
    • fictitious
    • fraudulent
  21. The _____ of voters is so great that less than half the people who are eligible to vote actually bother to do so.
    Apathy: Lack of interest or emotion.

    • coolness
    • disinterest
    • disregard
    • impassivity
    • indifference
    • insensibility
    • lassitude
    • lethargy
    • listlessness
    • phlegm
    • stolidity
    • unconcern
    • unresponsiveness.
  22. When you lack the information to judge what to do next, you will be forced to make an _____ decision.
    Arbitrary: determined by chance or impulse

    • changeable
    • erratic
    • indiscriminate
    • random
    • wayward
  23. The _____ that Jerry Lewis received in
    France included a medal from the Ministry of Culture.
    • Approbation: approval and praise
    • Approbate: to authorize.

    • acclaim
    • commendation
    • extol
    • adulation
    • applause
    • compliments
    • exalt
    • hail
    • kudos
    • praise
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GRE Kaplan 200 Flashcards
GRE Kaplan 200 sentence completion