Word Roots

  1. Bell
  2. Pac/Peas
    • Agree and Peace
    • pact
  3. hosp/host
    • host and guest
    • hostage
  4. am/im
    • to love
    • amiable
  5. crim
    fault or crime
  6. prob/prov
    • prove or proof and honesty or ingenuity
    • probity
    • proverb
  7. grav
    • heavy, weighty, serious
    • gravity
  8. lev
    • light or to raise or lighten
    • levitate
    • elevate
  9. ag
    • do, go, lead, drive
    • agitate
  10. ven/vent
    • come
    • invent
  11. cap/cep/cip
    • take, seize
    • reception
    • interception
  12. fin
    • end, boundary
    • infinite
    • finite
  13. jac/jec
    • throw or hurl
    • reject
  14. tract
    • drag or draw
    • protractor
    • retraction
  15. duct
    • to lead
    • conduct
    • induce
  16. sec/sequ
    • to follow
    • consequent
  17. ambi/amphi
    • on both sides, around
    • amphitheater
  18. ep/epi
    • upon, besides, attached to, over, outer, after
    • epitaph
    • epithet
  19. hypo/hyp
    • under, beneath, down, below normal
    • hypochondriac
    • hypocrisy
  20. therm/thermo
    • warm
    • thermal
    • thermocline
  21. poly
    • many
    • polyglot - knows multiple languages
  22. prim
    • first
    • primal
    • primiparous
  23. hom/homo
    • same, similar, alike
    • homonym
    • homophone
  24. dis
    • apart, do the opposite of, deprive of,exclude from
    • dissipate
  25. vor
    • to eat
    • carnivorous
  26. carn
    • flesh
    • carnivorous
  27. cred
    • to believe
    • creed
  28. fid
    • faith
    • perfidy
    • confidence
  29. curr/curs
    • to run
    • concurrent
  30. ped
    • foot
    • pedestrian
  31. flect/flex
    • to bend
    • deflect
    • flexablility
  32. post
    • after, behind
    • postmortem
    • postmodern
  33. mal
    • bad
    • maicious
  34. cata
    • down-in assosiation with major change
    • catatonic
    • catacism--Jesus Came Down
  35. prot/proto
    • first in time, first formed
    • protoplasm
    • protagonist
  36. ante
    • before, in front of
    • antedate
    • antebellium
  37. orth/ortho(Greek)
    • straight, right, true
    • orthodontist
    • orthodox(church)
  38. rect(Latin)
    • straight, right
    • rectify
  39. eu
    • well, good, true
    • euphemism
  40. dys
    • bad, difficult
    • dysfunctional
    • dyslexia
  41. Rog
    • to ask
    • derogatory
  42. Quis
    • To seek or obtain
    • inquisition
    • quiz
  43. ple
    • to fill
    • complement
  44. Metr
    • measure
    • metric
  45. Aud
    • hearing
    • auditor
  46. son
    • sound
    • sonic
  47. err
    • to wander or stray
    • erratic
  48. ced/cess
    • to go or proceed
    • antecedent
    • concession
  49. vid/vis
    • seeing, sight
    • vision
  50. spic/spec
    • to look at or behold
    • inspection
  51. voc/vok
    • speaking, calling
    • vocal
  52. phon
    • sound,voice,speech
    • telephone
  53. cur
    • care for
    • cure
  54. peri
    • going around something
    • perimeter
  55. Her/Hes
    • to stick or get stuck
    • Cohesion
  56. Fug
    • to flee or escape
    • centrifugal force
  57. Cosm
    • Ornament, order (often related to the universe)
    • Cosmetics
  58. Sci
    • to know or understand
    • omniscience
  59. junct
    • to join
    • injunction
  60. part
    • part
    • impartial
  61. Mit/Mis
    • To send
    • missionary
  62. Pel/Puls
    • tomove or drive
    • compel
    • expel
  63. sent/sens
    to feel, feeling, sense
  64. soph
    • wise, wisdom
    • sophmore
  65. Put
    • to think, consider, or believe
    • dispute
  66. Log
    • word, speech, or reason
    • theology
  67. Terr
    • earth
    • terrain
  68. Mar
    • sea
    • marine
  69. Path
    • suffering
    • empathy
  70. Pen/Pun
    • Penalty, to punish
    • Penal
  71. Matr/Metr
    • mother
    • maternity
  72. Moni
    • to warn
    • monitor
  73. Cant
    • sing
    • cantar(spanish)
    • descant
  74. Lud/Lus
    • to play, game
    • interude
    • prelude
    • ludicrious
  75. Phan/Phen
    • to appear or seem
    • phantom
  76. Ver
    • truth
    • verify
    • verity
  77. Turb
    • to throw into confusion or upset
    • turbulence
  78. Volu/Volv
    • to roll, wind, turn around, or twist around
    • revolve
  79. Fac/Fec/Fic
    • to make or do
    • proficient
  80. Ut/Us
    • to use, make use of, employ
    • utility
  81. Umbr
    • shadow
    • umbrella
  82. vest
    • to clothe or dress
    • transvestite
  83. The/Theo
    • god
    • atheistic
  84. de/div
    • god, divine
    • divine
  85. demo
    • people
    • pandemic
  86. popul
    • people
    • population
  87. polis/polit
    • city
    • megalopolis
  88. circu/circum
    • around
    • circumsize
  89. Cord
    • heart
    • cordial
  90. Culp
    • guilt
    • culprate
  91. Dic
    • to speak
    • diction
  92. Gni/Gno
    • to know
    • incognito
  93. Apt/Ept
    • to fit
    • aptitude
  94. Art
    • skill
    • artifat
    • to fall, drop down, drop
    • casualty
    • castrate
  96. Cis
    • to cut, cut down, slay
    • incision
    • hidden
    • crypt
  98. Ab/Abs
    • from, away, off
    • abstract
  99. Ped (GREEK)!!!
    • child
    • pediatrician
    • to be born
    • innate
    • cognate
  101. Fer
    • to carry
    • fertile
  102. Trans
    • across, through, beyond
    • transfiguration
  103. Pon/Pos
    • put, place
    • component
    • position
    • hold, hold on to
    • tenable
    • tenatious-not moving from your viewpoint.... arguing with mom
  105. Term/Termin
    • to limit, bound, or set limits to
    • midterm
  106. Vinc/Vict
    • to conquer of overcome
    • victory!
  107. Spher
    • Ball
    • Sphere :)
  108. Vert/Vers
    • To turn or turn around
    • inverse
  109. Morph(Greek)
    • Shape
    • morph
  110. form(Latin)
    • shape
    • formation
  111. Doc/Doct
    • to teach
    • doctors are smart?
  112. Tut/Tui
    • to guide, guard, or teach
    • tutor
    • (tooter)
  113. Top
    • Place
    • topography
  114. Centr/Center
    Sharp point, exact middle of a circle
  115. Dom
    • House, Master
    • Domination
  116. Habit/Hibit
    • to have, to hold
    • inhibit
  117. Pro
    before, forward, for; earlier, in front of
  118. Retro
    back, behind, backward
  119. Tempor
  120. Chron
  121. Anim
    breath, soul; alive, lively
  122. Fig
    to shape or mold; a form or shape
  123. Ann/Enn
  124. Ev
    • age, lifetime
    • medieval
  125. Corp
  126. Tang/Tact
    • to touch
    • tangential
  127. Codi/Code
    trunk of a tree; document written on wooden tablets
  128. Sign
    • Sign or mark
    • assignation
  129. capit
    • head
    • capital
  130. anthrop
    human being
  131. cumb/cub
    • to lie down, to lie
    • incubate
  132. Dynam
    • to be able, to have power
    • dynasty
  133. Grad
    • step or degree
    • graduate
  134. Lat
    to carry or bear
  135. Crit
    • to judge, to decide
    • critique
  136. Jur
    • to swear or take an oath
    • Jury
  137. Bio
    • Life
    • boipsy
  138. Gen
    • come into being, be born
    • genetics
  139. Fung/Funct
    • to perform, carry out or undergo
    • malfunction
  140. Mut
    • to chage
    • permutation
  141. Frag/Fract
    • to break or shatter
    • fracture
  142. tele
    distant, at a distant
  143. Phil
    • love
    • pedaphile
  144. Neg
    • to say no
    • renege
  145. Nom
  146. Pater/Patr
  147. Lega
    • to appoint, to send as a deputy
    • delegate
  148. Greg
    herd, flock
  149. Flu/Fluct
    • to flow
    • flu nose flows
  150. Prehend/Prehens
    to sieze, grasp
  151. Temper
    • to moderate or keep within limits
    • temper
  152. Purg
    to clean or cleanse
Card Set
Word Roots
Latin and Greek Word Roots