Health/Nutrition Test

  1. List the 6 essential nutrients
    • 1. carbohydrate
    • 2. fat
    • 3. protein
    • 4. vitamins
    • 5. minerals
    • 6. water
  2. Which nutrients can provide energy?
    • 1. carbohydrate
    • 2. fat
    • 3. protein
  3. Which nutrient is the main source of energy?
  4. Tell the three types of carbohydrates
    • 1. sugar
    • 2. starch
    • 3. fiber
  5. What are the three types of simple carbohydrates?
    • 1. glucose
    • 2. fructose
    • 3. sucrose
  6. What are the two main categories of complex carbohydrates?
    • starch
    • fiber
  7. Give five examples of foods high in carbohydrates
    • bread
    • pasta
    • rice
    • crackers
    • cereal
  8. What does your body use protein for?
    • makes new cells
    • maintains/repairs cells
    • maintains muscles, bones, organs
    • can be converted into energy
  9. Name 5 sources of protein.
    • meat
    • fish
    • beans
    • cheese
    • poultry
  10. What is another name for fat?
  11. t or f
    Fats give the body twice as much energy as carbohydrates and proteins.
  12. Give five examples of foods rich in fat.
    • ice cream
    • doughnuts
    • cake
    • hot dogs
    • potato chips
    • peanut butter
    • mayonnaise
    • butter
  13. t or f
    Too much of a vitamin can be considered toxic for the body.
  14. Minerals are found in _____________ and in ______________________ animals.
    • plants
    • plant-eating
  15. Give 3 examples of minerals
    • iron
    • calcium
    • zinc
  16. What is the most important of all the nutrients?
  17. Name 3 things the body uses water for
    • 1. sweating/regulating body temperature
    • 2. bodily fluids
    • 3. chemical reactions
  18. You should drink ____ to _____ 8 oz glasses of water a day.
  19. What are the six groups of the food pyramid?
    • grains
    • dairy
    • meat
    • fruit
    • vegetables
    • fats
  20. How many servings from the dairy group should 9-13 year olds get?
    • 3 servings
    • each serving is one cup
  21. How many servings from the meat/bean group should 9-13 years olds have?
    5 1-oz servings
  22. How many servings from the fruit group should 9-13 year olds get?
    • 3 servings
    • each serving = 1/2 cup
  23. How many servings from the vegetable group should 9-13 year olds get?
    • 4 servings
    • each serving = 1/2 cup
  24. How many servings from the grain group should 9-13 year olds get?
    5-6 servings
  25. How many servings from the fats group should 9-13 year olds get?
    use sparingly
  26. Give three examples of the dairy group
    • milk
    • cheese
    • yogurt
  27. Give three examples of meat/bean group
    • chicken
    • steak
    • pork chops
  28. Give three examples of the fruit group
    • apples
    • grapes
    • bananas
  29. Give three examples of the vegetable group
    • broccoli
    • carrots
    • cucumber
  30. Give three examples of the grain group
    • bread
    • cereal
    • crackers
  31. Give three examples of the fats group
    • cake
    • doughnuts
    • butter
  32. List at least 5 things that you should consider on a food label when trying to establish whether or not a food is healthy.
    • 1. sugars
    • 2. fat
    • 3. calories
    • 4. type of carbohydrate
    • 5. sodium
    • 6. protein
  33. Why is it important to eat breakfast?
    • better IQ
    • better attention span
  34. Name 10 healthy snacks
    • 1. cheese
    • 2. yogurt
    • 3. apples
    • 4. grapes
    • 5. tomatoes
    • 6. whole grain crackers
    • 7. broccoli
    • 8. carrots
    • 9. nuts
    • 10. popcorn
  35. When
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Health/Nutrition Test
Health/Nutrition Test