Informal Assessment
- Unstructured form of assessment
- Least structured
- Subject - free
- Assessor - free
Systematic Observation
- Follow a guideline
- Structured
- Subject - free
- Assessor - structured
Behavior Test
- Most structured
- Subject - structured
- Assessor - structured
- To construct a situation that is "maximally conducive"
Ajzen and Fishbain (1976)
- Distal beliefs - Do you like sweets?
- Proximal beliefs - Do you,like vamilla ice cream?
- Actual behavior - buy vanilla ice cream
Hartsthorne & May (1928)
- Cheating on a test a test by copying
- Cheating on a test by adding on
- Cheating at a game
- Cheating in an athletic contest
Eysenk (1952)
- Neuroticism
- Food aversion
- Holding breath
- Pupil adaptationto a dark room
Witkin (1962)
- Field-dependence
- Field-independence (more self-efficient and more self-control)
- Very reliable
- Valid personality measure
Typical Behaviors
- Typical performance - most observation aimed here
- Maximal performance - behavior test is the only test capable of testing for maximal perfomance
- Within IQ test behavior tests give assessment of maximal performance (speed, accuracy, level of difficulty)
Pros of Behavior Test
- Unobtrusive
- Response bias is not an issue
- Does not rely on linguistic skills
Cons of Behavior Test
- Reliability is unclear
- Validity is mixed (good if test mimicks life, bad if cross-situation )