Physiological psych Test 2

  1. What is the shape of the receptive field to which a simple cell in the primary visual cortex responds
    bar in a particular orientation
  2. Why does the periphery of the retina detect faint lights better than the fovea does?
    More receptors converge their input onto each bipolar cell.
  3. Initially, researchers determined how many types of receptors we have for determining color:
    by developing a trichromatic spectrometer.
  4. The name of the point at which the optic nerve leaves the retina is called the:
    blind spot
  5. Color constancy depends on which part of the nervous system?
    area V4 of the occipital lobe
  6. Which of the following is TRUE according to the law of specific nerve energies?
    Any stimulation of the auditory nerve is perceived as sound.
  7. The visual path in the parietal cortex is referred to as the:
    dorsal stream
  8. The one additional feature that hypercomplex cells have that complex cells don't is:
    hypercomplex cells have a strong inhibitory area at one end of it's receptive field.
  9. Which cell responds most strongly to a stimulus moving perpendicular to its axis?
  10. Stereoscopic depth perception requires the brain to detect:
    retinal disparity
  11. Ganglion cells near the fovea in humans and other primates are called _________ ganglion cells.
  12. How do the receptive fields of the inferior temporal cortex compare to those of the primary visual cortex?
    They are sensitive to larger more complicated patterns.
  13. If we compare the receptive fields of two simple cells in the primary visual cortex, chosen at random, in what way are they most likely to differ?
    orientation (angle) of a line that they respond to.
  14. What type of cell responds to a pattern of light in a particular orientation anywhere within its large receptive field, regardless of the exact location of the stimulus?
  15. Various types of _____ cells refine the input to ganglion cells, enabling them to respond specifically to shapes, movement, or other visual features.
    amicrine cells
  16. Damage to the magnocellular pathway would most likely lead to the loss of:
    motion perception
  17. A man has suffered brain damage that has left him unable to recognize the faces of his wife and children, although he can identify them by their voices. What is his condition?
  18. _______ are chemicals that release energy when struck by light.
  19. Color perception depends MOSTLY on the:
    parvocellular pathway.
  20. According to the trichromatic theory of color vision:
    our perception of color depends on the relative activity of three types of cones.
  21. Magnocellular cells are to _____ as parvocellular cells are to _______
    movement; color
  22. In th case of blindsight, losing conscious visual perception would most likely be associated with:
    loss of visual imagination
  23. Cortical area ____ appears to be where conscious visual perception occurs.
  24. Which of the following characterizes the fovea?
    It has the greatest perception of detail.
  25. The retinas of predatory birds such as hawks:
    have a greater density of receptors than do humans on the top half of the retina
  26. The pathway associated with integrating vision and movement progresses from the occipital cortex to the:
    parietal cortex
  27. Visual information from the lateral geniculate area goes to the:
    primary visual cortex
  28. Blindsight refers to:
    the ability to localize visual objects within an apparently blind visual field.
  29. An inability to recognize objects despite otherwise satisfactory vision is called:
    visual agnosia
  30. When individuals with intact brains recognize faces, activity:
    increases in the fusiform gyrus
  31. People with motion blindness probably have suffered damage to the:
    middle-temporal cortex
  32. Once information is sent to the secondary visual cortex it:
    may return to the primary visual cortex
  33. In the human retina, messages go from receptors at the back of the eye to ______.
    bipolar cells
  34. To what does "shape consistency" refer?
    We can recognize objects even at different orientations.
  35. The ability that you have to determine that your eyes are moving instead of the room that you are in, is a function of which brain area?
    area MST
  36. _____ modify the _____ sensitivity to different wavelengths of light?
    opsins; photopigments
  37. The primary visual cortex is also known as the:
    striate cortex
  38. Which theory emphasizes the idea that color vision depends on the relative responses of 3 kinds of cones?
    Young-Helmholtz theory (trichromatic theory)
  39. When cells in the middle temporal cortex respond to visual stimuli, their response depends mostly on the:
    speed and direction of movement
  40. In comparison to the rods, cones are more:
    sensitive to detail
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Physiological psych Test 2
40 questions from Geisler's physiological psychology Test 2