Atom Test Review

  1. H2O and law of definite proportions?
    2 : 16 = 1 : 8. MASS RATIO
  2. CO2 and CO in law of multiple proportions?
    • C O 2 C O
    • \__\______/_/
    • | |
    • 1 : 1 32:16, or 2 : 1
  3. What are the 5 statements of Dalton's atomic theory? Which parts are true, and false?
    • 1. All matter is composed of atoms. (T)
    • 2. Atoms of the same element are identical in size, mass, etc (F)
    • and atoms of different elements differ in these properties (T)
    • 3. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed (F)
    • 4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds. (T). note: Law of multiple proportions
    • 5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or re-arranged. (T)
  4. What was the result of JJ Thomson's cathode ray experiments?
    His experiments strongly supported that particles that make up cathode rays are negatively charged.
  5. Explain Rutherford's experiment. his conclusions?
    He bombarded a piece of gold foil with alpha particles. Apprx 1/8000 of the alpha particles deflected back to the source. He reasoned that the deflected alpha particles must have hit a dense positive bundle of matter -- nucleus, and he concluded that an atom must be mostly empty space.
  6. electrons have _____ charge compared to its mass.
  7. Nuclei have ________ densities.
    Very high
  8. Protium is?
    • Hydrogen-1 (11H)
    • 1 p, 0 n
  9. Deuterium is?
    • hydrogen-2 (21H)
    • 1 p, 1 n
  10. Tritium is?
    • Hydrogen-3 (31H)
    • 1 p, 2 n
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Atom Test Review