Annelida Test Review

  1. What is the prostomium?
    (First mouth) Anterior to mouth.
  2. What is peristomium?
    (Around mouth) Segment that bears the mouth
  3. What is the parapodium?
    (Beside foot) Have many blood vessels and functions as gills. gaseous exchange in polychaetes.
  4. Examples of polychaetes?
    Lungworms, scale worms, fire worms
  5. Example of an Oligochaete?
  6. Example of hirudinea?
  7. What is the primary function of nephridia?
    Excretion (kidney-like structure)
  8. What does the dorsal blood vessel do in earthworms?
    Carries blood anteriorly.
  9. What does the ventral vessel do in earthworms?
    Carries blood posteriorly
  10. How does food pass through the earthworm's digestive system?
    mouth -> esophagus -> crop -> gizzard -> intestine -> anus
  11. _____ allows better burrowing efficiency. Has a _____ circulatory system and a _____ digestive system. Except in ____, coelom is filled with hydrostatic fluid.
    • Metamerism
    • Closed
    • Complete
    • Leeches
  12. Primary purpose of clitellum?
    Secretes muscus during reproduction
  13. Function of the calciferious glands?
    Secretes calcium ions into gut, regulates acid-base balance of body fluids.
  14. Function of gizzard?
    Grinds food into tiny pieces
  15. Leeches secrete ____
    hirudin (anesthetic)
  16. Function of the seminal receptacle?
    Receives and stores sperm from another earthworm.
  17. ______ consists of sedentary feeders and active predators.
  18. Which of the 3 classes have a trochophore class and which have no larva stage?
    • Polychaeta
    • Oligochata
  19. Difference between freshwater oligochaetes and terrestrial oligochaetes (earthworms)?
    Freshwater oligochaetes are usually smaller and more mobile, and have better sense organs.
Card Set
Annelida Test Review
Chapter 17