Dev. West. Civ.

  1. The Early Stages of Development
    • -earliest human-like creature was Australopithecines:made simple stone tools
    • Hominid:walked upright. (ie- Kenyanthro)
    • Homo Erectus:moved from africa to europe and asia
    • Homo Sapiens:wise human being
    • -Neanderthals:first to bury their dead & clothes made up of animal skins
    • -Homo Sapiens Sapiens:first anatomically modern human

    -The First Humans
  2. Growth of Crops of the First Humans
    • Southwest Asia- wheat & barley, domesticated pigs, cows, goats, sheep
    • Central Africa- root crops, yams and trees like bananas
    • Northern China- domestication of pigs and dogs
    • Mesoamericans- beans, squash, maize (corn), domesticated fowls and dogs

    -First Humans
  3. Farming Villages of the First Humans
    • appeared in Europe, India, Egypt, China, Mesoamerica,
    • oldest & biggest in Southwest Asia- Jericho and Catal Huyuk
    • grew nuts, berries, grains, domesticated animals
    • Artisans made weapons and jewelry

    -First Humans
  4. The Emergence of Civilization of first humans
    • rise of cities in RIVER VALLEYS
    • Growth of Govt.= MONARCHS
    • The role of Religion = PRIESTS
    • A new social structure- Priests, govt. officials, warriors were most important.
    • Use of Writing- rulers,priests,merchants,artisans used writing to keep accurate records
    • Artistic Activity- Temples and pyramids built for worship and sacrifice. Sculptors made gods/goddesses

    -The First Humans
  5. Impact of Geography for the First Humans

    -The First Humans
  6. Prehistory
    The period before writing was developed

    -The First Humans
  7. Archeology
    The study of past societies through an analysis of what people have left behind

    -The First Humans
  8. Artifacts
    tools, pottery, paintings, weapons, buildings, household items.

    -The First Humans
  9. Anthropology
    The study of human life & culture

    -The First Humans
  10. Fossils
    a remnant or impression of an organism from past geologic age that has been preserved in Earth's crust

    -The First Humans
  11. Australopithrcine
    "southern apes"

    -The First Humans
  12. Hominid
    humans and other creatures that walk upright

    -The First Humans
  13. Homo Erectus
    "upright human being"

    -The First Humans
  14. Homo sapiens
    "wise human being"

    -The First Humans
  15. Neanderthals
    homo sapiens found in Neander Valley, Germany

    -The First Humans
  16. Homo sapiens sapiens
    a homo sapiens from africa "wise wise human being"

    -The First Humans
  17. Paleolithic Age
    early period of human history in which humans used simple tools of stone

    -The First Humans
  18. nomad
    people who moved from place to place

    -The First Humans
  19. men's role
    hunting of large animals

    -The First Humans
  20. women's role
    have kids & gather nuts, berries, grains

    -The First Humans
  21. The Ice Ages
    thick sheets of ice covered large parts of Europe, Asia, and North America

    Fire = survival

    -The First Humans
  22. Neolithic Revolution
    • The period of human history from 8000-4000 BC
    • Neolithic= new stone

    -The First Humans
  23. Systematic Agriculture
    the keeping of animals and growing of food on a regular basis

    -The First Humans
  24. Domestication
    adaption for human use

    -The First Humans
  25. Artisan
    skilled worker

    -The First Humans
  26. Bronze Age
    Widespread use of bronze 3000-1200 BC

    -The First Humans
  27. Culture
    the way of life that one follows

    -The First Humans
  28. Civilization
    A complex culture in which many humans share many common elements

    -The First Humans
  29. Monarchs
    Kings/Queens who rule a kingdom

    -The First Humans
  30. City- States
    basic units of Sumerian civilization

    -Western Asia and Europe
  31. Ziggurat
    A temple built atop a massive stepped tower

    -Western Asia and Europe
  32. Theocracy
    a government by divine authority

    -Western Asia and Europe
  33. Empire
    a large political unit or state (usually under one leader)

    -Western Asia and Europe
  34. Patriarchal
    dominated by men

    -Western Asia and Europe
  35. Polytheistic
    belief in many gods

    -Western Asia and Europe
  36. Cuneiform
    "wedge-shaped" system of writing

    -Western Asia and Europe
  37. Hammurabi Code
    his law code, a collection of 282 laws

    -Western Asia and Europe
  38. Dynasty
    a family of rulers whos right to rule is passed on within the family

    -Western Asia and Europe
  39. Pharoah
    "great house" "palace" Egyptian Monarch

    -Western Asia and Europe
  40. Bureaucracy
    an administrative organization w/ official and regular procedures

    -Western Asia and Europe
  41. Vizier
    "stewart of the whole land". Responsible to the Pharaoh

    -Western Asia and Europe
  42. Mummification
    a process of slowly drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting

    -Western Asia and Europe
  43. Hieroglyphics
    "priest-carving" "sacred writing"

    -Western Asia and Europe
  44. Cleopatra
    (VII) tryed to reestablish Egypt's independence

    -Western Asia and Europe
  45. Pastoral Nomads
    domesticated animals for food & clothes

    -Western Asia and Europe
  46. Monotheistic
    believe in one god

    -Western Asia and Europe
  47. Indo-European
    a group of people who used a language derived from a single parent tongue.

    -Western Asia and Europe
  48. Phoenicians
    • lived in the area of Palestine along the Mediterranean coast on a narrow band of land
    • gave us the alphabet

    -Western Asia and Europe
  49. Satrapies
    the empire's 20 provinces

    -Western Asia and Europe
  50. Satrap
    • governor of the persian empire
    • "protector of the the kingdom"

    -Western Asia and Europe
  51. Monarchy
    ruled by a king or queen

    -Western Asia and Europe
  52. Assyrians
    a semitic-speaking people who exploited the use of iron weapons

    -Western Asia and Europe
  53. Persians
    an Indo-European people who lived in what is now Southwest Iran

    -Western Asia and Europe
  54. Royal Road
    • stretched from Lydia to Susa
    • well-maintained roads made it easy for officials to travel through the empire

    -Western Asia and Europe
  55. Epic Poem
    a long poem that tells the deeds of a great hero

    -Ancient Greece
  56. Arete
    in early greece, the qualities of excellence that a hero strives to win in a struggle or contest

    -Ancient Greece
  57. Homer
    wrote the Odyssey and the Illaid

    -Ancient Greece
  58. Polis
    the early greek city-state, consisting of a city and its surrounding territory

    -Ancient Greece
  59. Acropolis
    • fortified area at the top of a hill
    • served as a place of refuge during attack
    • religious center were temples & public buildings were built

    -Ancient Greece
  60. Agora
    an open area that served as a place where people would assemble and as a market

    -Ancient Greece
  61. Hoplite
    heavily armed infantry soldiers/foot soldiers
  62. Phalanx
    a rectangular formation of the hoplites

    -Ancient Greece
  63. Democracy
    govt. by the people or rule of the many

    -Ancient Greece
  64. Oligarchy
    rule by few

    -Ancient Greece
  65. Helot
    • "capture"
    • captive people who worked for their capturers

    -Ancient Greece
  66. Ephor
    a group of 5 men who were elected each year responsible for the youth's education

    -Ancient Greece
  67. Athens
    a city who had 300,000 by the 5th century

    -Ancient Greece
  68. Sparta
    one of the most famous greek city-states

    -Ancient Greece
  69. Age of the Pericles
    the period when pericles dominated Athen politics and Athens reached the height of its power

    -Ancient Greece
  70. Direct Democracy
    people participate directly in govt. decision making through mass meeting

    -Ancient Greece
  71. Ostracism
    to protect themselves against overly ambitious politicians

    -Ancient Greece
  72. Ritual
    ceremonies or rites

    -Ancient Greece
  73. Oracle
    a sacred shrine where a god/goddess revealed the future through priests/priestesses

    -Ancient Greece
  74. Tragedy
    • represented in a trilogy built around a common theme
    • first greek dramas
  75. Philosophy
    • refers to an organized system of thought
    • -Ancient Greece
  76. Socratic Method
    teaching using question and answer format

    -Ancient Greece
  77. Sophist
    a group of traveling teachers in ancient greece who rejected speculation such as that of the Pythagoras as foolish

    -Ancient Greece
  78. Socrates
    a sculptor whose true love was philosophy

    he thought education was the only way to improve an individual

    -Ancient Greece
  79. Plato
    • one of the greatest philosopher
    • thought of the question of reality

    -Ancient Greece
  80. Aristotle
    philosopher who examined objects to perceive their form
  81. Hellenistic Era
    • "to imitate Greeks"
    • age of expansion of greek language and ideas
  82. Epicureanism
    school of thought developed by the philosopher Epicurus in Hellenistic Athens; it held that happiness is the cheif goal in life and the means to achieve happiness was the pursuit of pleasure

    -Ancient Greece
  83. Stoicism
    • by Zeno
    • happiness found only when people gain inner peace by living in harmon with the will of God.

    -Ancient Greece
  84. Republic
    a form of govt. in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  85. Patrician
    • great landowners
    • rome's ruling class

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  86. Plebian
    less wealthy landholders, craftspeople, merchants, and small farmers in Rome

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  87. Consuls
    • 2 chosen every year
    • ran govt. and led the roman army into battle

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  88. Praetor
    in charge of civil law- law as its applied to Roman citizens

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  89. Triumvirate
    a govt. by three people w/equal power

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  90. Dictator
    an absolute ruler

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  91. Imperator
    commander in chief

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  92. Crassus
    • part of the first triumvirate
    • richest man in Rome

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  93. Pompey
    • part of the first triumvirate
    • a military hero

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  94. Julius Caesar
    • part of first triumvirate
    • military hero
    • became a dictator of rome

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  95. First Triumvirate
    Crassus, Pompey, J. Caesar

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  96. Second Trimuvirate
    Octavian, Antony, Lepidus

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  97. Augustus Caesar
    • Octavian
    • "the revered one"

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  98. Paterfamilias
    the dominant male

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  99. Insulae
    poor village apartment blocks

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  100. Procurator
    an official in charge of a province

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  101. New Testament
    second part of the christian bible

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  102. Clergy
    the church leaders

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  103. Laity
    the regular church members

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  104. Plague
    epidemic disease

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  105. Inflation
    a rapid increase in prices

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  106. weregild
    amount paid by the wrongdoer to the family of the person he or she injured or killed

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  107. Ordeal
    based on the idea of divine intervention

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  108. Bishopric
    • diocese
    • in charge of many parishes

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  109. Popes
    from the latin word papa "father" (of the catholic church)
  110. Monk
    a man who separates himself from ordinary human society in order to pursue a life of total dedication to God.

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  111. Monasticism
    the practice of living the life of a monk

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  112. missionaries
    people sent out to carry a religious message

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  113. Nun
    women who withdrew from ordinary life to be dedicated to God.

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  114. abbesses
    headed the convents that nuns lived in

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  115. Feudalism
    political and social system that developed during the Middle Ages, when the royal govt. were no longer able to defend their subjects; nobles offered protection and land in return for service

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  116. Vassal
    a man who served a lord in a military capacity

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  117. Knights
    heavily armored cavalry

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  118. Fief
    the grant of land made to a vassal

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  119. Feudal Contract
    set of unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  120. tournaments
    contests where knights could show their fighting skills

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  121. Chivalry
    an ideal of civilized behavior (for a knight)

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  122. Common Law
    law that was common to the whole kingdom

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  123. Magna Carta
    Great Charter

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  124. Estates

    the clergy, the nobles, the townspeople and peasants

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  125. Patriarch
    head of the Eastern Orthodox Church

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  126. Schism
    separation between the two great branches of Christianity that has not been completely healed to this day

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  127. Crusades
    expeditions to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  128. Infidels
    • unbelievers
    • the Muslims

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
  129. Pope Innocent III
    initiated the Fourth Crusade

    -Rome and the Rise of Christianity
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Dev. West. Civ.