chapter four

  1. environmental influences, not innate characteristics, determine what children will become. This theory is often called the blank slate view of children. WHO is given credit for this view
    a. John Locke
  2. This early childhood educator was a moravian minister and spent his life servins as a bishop, teaching school, and writing books. The most significant contributionsof this great educator were books with illustrations and an emphasis on sensory training
  3. According to _________ children's PERSONALITIES and social skills grow and develop within the context fo society and in response to society's demands, values, and social institutions
    b. eric erickson
  4. This theorist believed that children's mental, language, and social deelopment is supported and enhanced by others through social interations. Many current practices such as cooperative learning, coaching and mentoring are consistent with this theory of development
    b. Lev vygotsky
  5. This early educator developed a system for educating young children. theis system ahs influenced almost all early childhood programs. The 1st school opend that utilized this system was the cas dei bambini
    a. maria montisorri
  6. This theorist concluded that children plan an active role in their own cognitive development. Thsi theorist made popular the age-stage approach to cognitive development.
  7. _________'s theory of learning, calle dprogressivism, emphasizes children their interests rather than subject matter
    b. john dewey
  8. According to theis great educator, the teacher is responsible for guidance and direction so children can become creative, contributing members of society. this educator developed a systmetic planned curriculum for the education of young children best know as "GIFTS AND OCCUPTIONS"
    b. friedrich wilhelm frobel
  9. the most important contribution of this educator is tha in the process of education the early childhood prefiessional cannot rely solely on the childs own initative and expect them to learn all they need to know. This educator beleived that the best way to learn wa through sensory experiences and manipulatives, such as counting, measuring, feeling and touching.
    c. johann heinrich pestalozzi
  10. This educator advocated a return to nature and an apporah to education children called NATURALISM. in naturalism the nature of the child unfolds as a result of maturation according to their innate timetables
    d. jean-jacques rousseau
  11. the impact of the protestant reformation was primairily relisout but other effects wer esecular. two fo these efects were CONCEPT OF UNIVERSAL EDUCATION AND LITERACY, concepts that are ini the forefront of educational practice today. Who was given credit for these TWO education reforms?
    d. marin luther
  12. __________ is well known in education al circles for his theory of multiple intelligences, which maintains that instead of a single intelligence, there are actually nine.
    a. howard gardner
  13. Parents have broad authorityh and jurisdiction over their children
  14. children represent the future wealth or potential for parents and a nation
    investments inthe future
  15. economic condtions did not allow for a long childhood dependency
    minature adult
  16. froebel facts....
    • responsible for developing curriculum
    • "gifts and occupations"
    • -called the father of kindergarten (ages 3-6)
    • -open a school and put his ideas into practice
    • -his primary contributions are for
    • a.methodology
    • b.teacher training
    • c.curriculum
    • d.learning
    • -he was the 1st to encourage young unmarried women to become teachers and break tradition
    • froebels concept of learning through play remains 1 of the basic principles of early childhood practice
  17. frobels gifts were...
    • 10 sets of learning materials designed to help children learn through play and manipulation
    • ex. tinker toys
  18. frobels occupations were....
    • materials designed to engage children in learning activities
    • ex. folding paper, clay, drawing,
  19. the DIFFERNCE between the two is that a gift can resume it's original form and occuptions is permanently altered
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chapter four
midterm review