enlargement of the extremities (mostly hands and feet) caused by excessive secretion of the growth hormone after puberty
Gr. akron (extremity) - -megaly (enlargement)
- (AK-roh-mehg-alee)
Addison (Addison's) disease
a disorder characterized by a failure of the adrenal glands to produce hydrocortisone and, in some cases, aldosterone
after the British physician, Thomas Addison, who first described the condition in 1855
inflammation of a gland
aden/o (adrenal gland) - -itis (inflammation)
- (ad-eh-NY-tihs)
inflammation of the hypophysis
aden/o (gland) - hypophys/o (pituitary gland)
- -itis (inflammation)
- (AD-eh-noh-hy-poff-ih-SY-tihs)
inflammation of an adrenal gland
adrenal/o (adrenal glands) - -itis (inflammation)
- (ah-dree-nah-LY-tiss)
adrenalopathy; adrenopathy
any disease of the adrenal glands
adrenal/o (adrenal glands) - -pathy (disease)
- (ah-dree-nah-Lop-ah-thee)
- (ah-dree-NOP-ah-thee)
Cushing (Cushing's) syndrome
a hormonal disorder caused by too much hydrocortisone
named after Harvey Cushing, American physician, who described the disorder in 1932
diabetes insipidus
condition brought about by the posterior pituitary's failure to produce enough ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
diabetes (Gr. meaning a compass, a siphon) - insipidus (lacking flavor or zest)
- (DY-ah-BEET-ehs ihn-SIP-ih-duhs)
diabetes mellitus (Type 1, Type 2)
condition brought about by insufficient production of insulin in the pancreas (type 1) or the failure of the body's cells to absorb glucose (type 2)
diabetes (Gr. meaning a compass, a siphon) - mellitus (L. "sweetened with honey" or "honey-sweet")
- (DY-ah-BEET-ehs meh-LY-tuhs)
abnormal overgrowth of the body due to excessive secretion of the growth hormone before puberty
giant - -ism (condition)
- (JEYE-gan-tizm)
sugar in the urine
glyc/o/s (sugar) - -uria (urine)
- (GLY-koh-SYUR-ee-ah)
chronic enlargement of the thyroid gland
L. gutter (throat) - (GOY-tuhr)
Graves (Graves') disease
a common form of hyperthyroidism resulting from overproduction of thryoxine; caused by a false immune system response
named after Robert James Graves (1796-1853), an Irish physician who first described exophthalmic goiter in 1835
Hashimoto (Hashimoto's) thyroiditis
an autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid gland causing hypothryroidism
Hashimoto (Japanese surgeon, 1881-1934) - thyr/o (thyroid gland)
- -itis (inflammation)
- (Hah-shee-moh-toh)
excessive sugar in the blood
hyper- (above normal) - glyc/o (sguar)
- -ia (condition)
- (hy-puhr-gly-SEEM-ee-ah)
excessive hormone secretion by he pituitary gland
hyper-(above normal) - L. pituita
- (HY-puhr-pih-TOO-iht-ahr-izm)
condition caused by an overactive thyroid; usually caused by an immune system disorder known as Graves' disease
hyper- (above normal) - thyr/o (thyroid gland)
- -ism (condition)
- (HY-puhr-THY-royd-izm)
inflammation of the pituitary gland
hypophys/o (pituitary gland) - -itis (inflammation)
- (hy-poh-fih-SY-tihs)
condition of diminished hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary gland
hypo- (below normal) - L. pituita
- -ism (condition)
- (hy-poh-pih-TOO-ih-tahr-izm)
a decrease in thyroid function
hypo- (below normal) - thyroid refers to the thyroid gland
- -ism (state of)
any pituitary dysfunction
L. pituita - -ism (condition)
- (pih-TOO-iht-ahr-izm)
congenital condition characterized by low thyroid output
thyr/o (thyroid gland) - aplasia (Gr. plassien "not to form")
- (THY-roh-a-PLAY-zee-ah)
inflammation of the thyroid gland
thyr/o (thyroid land) - -itis (inflammation)
- (thy-roy-DY-tihs)
enlargement of the thyroid gland
thyr/o (thyroid gland) - -megaly (enlargement)
- (thy-roh-MEG-ah-lee)