English MIdterm

  1. Monologue
    A long speech everyone can hear
  2. Irony
    three types- verbal, dramatic, situational
  3. Oral Tradition
    the transference of stories, songs, etc., from one generation to another or one culture to another. Stories told orally are easily forgotten...it is important that the storyteller frequently reminds his listeners about important character traits and events
  4. Anthropomorphism
    the giving of human characteristics to plants, objects, etc,.
  5. Imagery
    a scene that the author creates with 5 senses.
  6. Odyssey
    a long adventurous journey
  7. Verbal Irony
  8. Plot
    the sequence of events
  9. Epic simile
    an elaborate paragraph (comparison using like/as)
  10. Folklore/Fairytales/Fable
    pure fiction- to amuse entertain, or to teach; use the supernatural deal w/common people
  11. Tone
    The writer's attitude toward his audience
  12. Myths
    imaginative stories resulting from man's attempt to understand (GODS)
  13. Legends
    true stories of events in history that have been exaggerated for dramatic/humorous effect; they deal w/heroes.
  14. Epic
    long narrative poem that is about the deeds of gods or heroes
  15. Meter
    the pattern of beats in a line
  16. Situational Irony
    in literature
  17. Framework Story
    a story within a story
  18. Foot
    Basic unit of measurement (beats/syllables)
  19. Stanza
    division of lines in poetry
  20. quatrain
    type of stanza that has four lines
  21. Soliloquy
    a long speech that only the audience can hear, NOT the character.
  22. Rythme Scheme
    pattern of end rythme
  23. Figurative Language
    descriptions/ expressions used in language that shouldn't be read literally
  24. dramatic irony
    in plays, movies ( you know but the characters don't )
  25. simile
    a comparison of 2 unlike things using like or as
  26. Aside
    a short phrase/line that only the audience can hear for comic effect
  27. In media res
    a latin expression meaning the story begins in the middle of the action
  28. Symbol
    something that represents something else
  29. Theme
    The central message that focuses on human nature/behavior
  30. Foreshadowing
    The hinting of future events in the story
  31. Couplet
    type of stanza that has 2 lines w/ end rhyme
  32. oxymoron
    contradicting or opposing words used by a character to show his/her conflicting feelings about a situation
  33. Allusion
    A reference made by the auhor to another literary work, art, historical figure, etc,.
  34. Metaphor
    speaking/writing of something as though it were something else

    • Tenor = life
    • Vehicle bowl of cherries
  35. Verse
    • a metrical line of poetry
    • serious dramatic scenes
    • upperclass characters
  36. Blank Verse
    unrhymed iambic pentameter
  37. Interpretation/Inference
    info given to the reader- to interpret, predict, criticize (evidence needed)
  38. Prose
    • everyday language written/spoken (no pattern of beats)
    • Comical scenes
    • Lower class (servants, maids)
  39. pun
    play on the multiple meanings of a word; two words that sound alike but have different meanings.
  40. Iambic pentameter
    line of verse that contains 10 syllables or 5 iambs (unstressed/stressed)
  41. iamb
    a type of foot with two syllables (u /)
  42. Prologue
    provides a summary/background info about characters, etc.,
  43. Setting
    time and place
  44. sonnet
    • type of poem
    • subject usually is unrequited love
  45. Suspense
    the feelings of excitement/anxiety
  46. Points of View
    1st person- using I

    3rd person omniscient- all-knowing

    3rd person limited- knowing limited
  47. digression
    an interruption of the main plot, accomplished by telling stories unrelated to the main action
  48. Epithet
    an adjective/phrase which delineates a personality or characteristic by the person or thing
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English MIdterm