World Regligion Vocab

  1. cosmology
    the understanding of the nature of the universe
  2. ethics
    a dimension of religion that deals with how we are to act while living in the world.
  3. faith
    experience of the divine or holy presence, sometimes involving intellectual belief and sometimes emphasizing personal trust
  4. ritual
    formal worship practice, often based on the reenactment of a myth
  5. pantheism
    the belief that the divine reality exists in everything
  6. transcendence
    the overcoming of the normal limitations imposed by the human condition, whether temporarily or abidingly
  7. taboo
    a system of social ordering that dictates that specific objects and activities, owing to their sacred nature, are set aside for specific groups and are strictly forbidden to others; common to many primal peoples, including the Australian Aborigines
  8. totem
    a natural entity, such as an animal or a feature of the landscape, that symbolizes an individual or group and that has special significance for the religious life of that individual or group
  9. divination
    the use of various techniques, such as throwing bones or shells and then interpreting the pattern in which they fall, for gaining knowledge about an individual's future or about the cause of a personl problem. important in Yoruba
  10. atman
    the eternal self, which the Upanishads identify with Brahman; often lowercase: the eternal Self or soul of an individual that is reincarnated from one body to the next and is ultimately identified with Atman
  11. Bhagavad-gita
    a short section of the epic poem Mahabharata in which the god Krishna teaches the great warrior Arjuna aboou bhakti marga and other ways to God; Hinduism's most sacred text
  12. Brahman
    the eternal essence or reality and the source of the universe, beyond the reach of human perception and thought
  13. Karma
    the moral law of cause and effect of actions; determines the nature of one's reincarnation
  14. Moksha
    liberation or release of the individual self, atman, form the bondage of samsara; salvation; one of the four goals of life
  15. Samsara
    the wheel of rebirth or reincarnation; the this-worldly realm in which rebirth occurs
  16. Yoga
    a system of Hindu philosophy and one approach within jnana marga, the path of knowledge, seeking to free the eternal self form the bondage of personhood, culminating in the experience of samdhi; lowercase: physical and psychological techniques for spiritual advancement
  17. Brahmin
    Priests, highest class in Caste system
  18. Kshatriya
    Warriors and administrators; 2nd class in Caste system
  19. Vaishya
    farmers, merchants; 3rd class in Caste system
  20. Shudra
    servants and laborers; 4th and lowest class in Caste system
  21. Stages of Life
    student, householder, forest-dweller, sannyasin
  22. Kama
    sensual pleasure; one goal of life in hinduism
  23. artha
    material success; one goal of life in hinduism
  24. Path of Works
    karma marga
  25. path of knowledge
    jnana marga
  26. path of devotion
    bhakti marga
  27. buddha
    Siddartha Guatama and all others who have by their own insight attained perfect enlightenment
  28. Dalai Lama
    The spiritual leader of Vajrayana Buddhism
  29. dharma (buddhism)
    the teachings of buddha and one of the three jewels of buddhism
  30. dukkha
    the first of the four noble truths, the basic buddhist insight that suffering is part of the human condition
  31. Nirvana
    the ultimate goal of all buddhists, the extinction of desire and any sense of individual selfhood, resulting in liberation from samsara and its limiting conditions
  32. 3 jewels of buddhism
    buddha, dharma, sangha
  33. eight fold path
    solution to suffering, path to a good life
  34. Diaspora
    the situation of jews living away from their home land,
  35. shema
    Judaism's basic statement of monotheism
  36. Misnah
    written down in about AD 200; contains teaching of the rabbis of the preceding four centuries along with the Talmud, is the most important text of the oral Torah
  37. torah
    generally, the revelation of God's will to the people' more specifically, the divine law, especially as contained in the first five books of the bible
  38. Zionism
    originally, the movement arising in the late nineteenth century that sought to re-establish a Jewish homeland; since 1948, the general support of the State of Israel
  39. 3 major celebrations of Jewish year
    yam kippur (day of atonement), rosh hashanah (new year), passover (8 day festival commemorating the exodus of jews from egypt
  40. rites of passage in jewish life
    birth, coming of age, marriage, death
  41. 3 divisions of judaism
    • orthodox- follow all 613 laws in torah
    • reform- jewish with modern changes and accommodations
    • conservative- in the middle
  42. Hajj
    5th of the 5 pillars; journey to Mecca that all muslims are to make at least once in their lifetime, if they can afford it and are physically able
  43. hijira
    the emigration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina; the founding event of the muslim community
  44. Jihad
    the general spiritual struggle to be a devout muslim. in a more narrow context, jihad reffers to armed struggle (holy war) for the sake of islam
  45. Ka'ba
    the stone cubical structure in the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca, believed to have been built by Abraham and regarded by muslims as the sacred center of the earth
  46. Mosque
    the muslim place or building of worship
  47. Qur'an
    Islam's primary sacred text, regarded by muslims as the direct word of Allah, revealed to Muhammad through the archangel Gabriel
  48. Ramadan
    the ninth month of the islamic calender, a period during which muslims fast
  49. Shari'a
    the divine law, derived from the koran and the sunna, encompassing all and setting forth in detail how muslims are to live
  50. Shi'i
    the division of islam dominant in iraq and iran, originating as a result of an early dispute over leadership; distinguishable form the sunni islam mainly by its figure of the imam and strong messianic expectations
  51. sunna
    the teaching and actions of muhammad recorded in writings known as hadith, which provide the model for being muslim; islam's second most important authoritty
  52. sunni
    the division of islam practices by most muslims, named after the sunna.
  53. umma
    the community of all muslims
  54. Theravoda
    division of Buddhism, "way of the elders", focusses on buddhist teachings, monastic life, wisdom
  55. Mahayna
    division of buddhism, "great vehicle", biggest, focus on person of buddha, compassion, gods and goddesses
  56. Vajrayana
    division of buddhism, "vehicle of the diamond", smallest, focus on meditation:sand paintings, chants. leader: Dalai Lama.
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World Regligion Vocab
vocabulary for world religions final