GenPsych CH5

  1. When you see the bright color and round shape of a tomato on the vine in your vegetable garden, smell its sun-warmed fragrance, hear the buzzing of a nearby bee, feel the velvety texture of its skin, and taste the flavors as you bite into it, your process of receiving stimulus energy from the environments is called...
  2. Every day, you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel stimuli from the outside world. Collecting data about that world is the function of _____, and interpreting the data collected is the function of _____.
    sensation; perception
  3. When you hear music or see a light, you receive physical energy from a stimulus in the world. Your process of converting physical energy from the world into electrochemical energy is called...
  4. In the 1960's, the Coca-Cola Company tried something new with their advertising. During a TV program, the words and logo "Drink Coca Cola" were flashed on the screen for a fraction of a second every few minutes. The vast majority of vieweres were not consciously aware of seeing the image as it had such a brief duration. The adjective which describes the kind of perception that was being accessed, and which also describes the kind of advertising, is...
  5. An architect is designing apartments and wants them to be soundproof. She asks a psychologist what the smallest amount of sound is that can be heard. Her question is most related to...
    the absolute threshold
  6. If you are able to taste a quarter teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of water five times out of the ten, you have attained your _____ threshold.
  7. The absolute threshold is the smallest magnitude of a stimulus that can be _____ and the difference threshold is the smallest magnitude of a stimuls that can be _____.
    detected; detected half the time.
  8. You arrive at your friends apartment for a big party at the end of the semester. When you first arrive, the music is so loud that it almost hurts your ears. After a couple of hours, even though the music is still at the same volume, it doen't bother you anymore, and you like it. This change over time describes the process of _____.
    sensory adaptation
  9. You can't feel the waistbank of your underwear, though you know it is there. This is the result of _____.
    sensory adaptation.
  10. You go swimming in cold water. At first you are in agony, but later the water doesn't feel so bad. You have experienced _____.
    sensory adaptation.
  11. When wer refer to hue of a light wave, we are referring to what we perceive as _____.
  12. Regarding the light, wavelength is the _____ as intensity is the _____.
    hue; brightness
  13. The major purpose of the iris is to _____.
    regulate the amount of light entering the eye.
  14. When you can tell the difference between candy apple red and fire engine red, it is partly because the light stimuli differ in their _____.
  15. The clear membrane just in front of the iris through which light first passes is the _____.
  16. To read this question, you are looking at it. After the light passes into your eyes, the incoming light waves are recorded by receptor cells located in the _____.
  17. The _____ is held in place by ligaments attached to the ciliary muscle.
  18. As light enters the eye, eventually it reaches the light-sensitive _____ at the back of the second chamber of the eye.
  19. The main function of rods and cones is to...
    transducer light.
  20. Near the center of the retina there is a spot where there are no rods and no cones; this because of the ...
    optic nerve.
  21. Bottom-up processing involves analysis that begins with the ...
    sensory receptors.
  22. Herman has color blindness. The color that he cannot tell apart are always ...
    complementary colors.
  23. The intensity of sound is measure in ...
  24. You are listening to music with a wide dynamic range. In the world of amplitude, what do the louder and softer sounds have to do with the air and your ears?
    the louder sounds moves faster through the air to your ears than the softer sounds do.
  25. The different pitches of the beeps you hear on a touch-tone telephones are due to differences in the ____ of the beeps.
  26. The pinna is the _____ which is quite useful for collecting sounds from the environment.
    external part of the ear.
  27. What is the major function of the hammer, anvil, and stirrup of the middle ear?
    to amplify the vibrations and pass them on to the inner ear.
  28. When sound waves enter the ear canal, they first ...
    vibrate the eardrum.
  29. When something warm touches the skin, you feel warmth. When something cold touches you skin, you feel coldness. If things both warm and cold touch your skin, stimulating adjacent thermoreceptors for warm and cold, you feel ...
    neither warmth nor coldness.
  30. Taste buds are bunched together in ...
    the organ Corti.
  31. Your doctor has given you some awful-tasting pills. To minimize the aversive taste, where should you place the pill on your tongue?
  32. Which of the following is involved in smell?
    the olfactory epithelium.
  33. Objects that resemble one another are often perceived as a group. This is the perceptual principle of ...
  34. You are reading a typed report. The typist has made some errors; some words are missing a letter, and some sentences are missing a word. You do not notice these errors at all. When a proofreader points them out to you, you look closely and realize there are indeed missing letters and words. From the context, you saw what you expected to see and filled in the missing pieces without realizing it. This is normal; perceptually, humans display a tendency to mentally complete forms and figures that are actually incomplete. This tendency is know as ...
  35. It is the process of _____ that organizes and interprets incoming sensory information.
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GenPsych CH5
GenPsych Ch5 HW