Location of splenic vein (with respect to splenic artery)
Posterior, inferior
Organ that is the largest producer of IgM
Filter for aged or damaged RBCs
Red pulp
Removal of abnormalities in RBC membranes (job of the spleen)
Nuclear remnants in RBCs
Howell Jolly bodies
Hemoglobin deposits in RBCs
Heinz bodies
Portion of spleen containing lymphocytes and macrophages
White pulp
Site of spleen that does bacterial clearance (that lack pre-existing antibodies)
White pulp
Blood supply to spleen
Splenic artery, short gastrics, left gastroepiploic
An opsonin that facilitates phagocytosis
An enzyme that activates alternative complement pathway
Most common location for accessory spleen
At splenic hilum
Most common nontraumatic condition requiring splenectomy
Disease with antiplatelet antibodies, petechiae, gingival bleeding, bruising
Medical treatments for ITP
Steroids, plasmapheresis, gammaglobulin (if steroid resistant)
Disease with loss of platelet inhibition leading to thrombosis and infarction plus thrombocytopenia, fevers, mental status changes, renal dysfunction
Treatment of TTP
Plasmapheresis, steroids, ASA
Bacteria causing postsplenectomy sepsis syndrome (3)
S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, N. meningitides
Vaccines needed before splenectomy
Pneumococcus, meningococcus, H. influenzae
Changes in CBC post splenectomy
Inc RBCs, inc WBCs, inc platelets
Most common splenic tumor
Most common malignant splenic tumor
nonHodgkin's lymphoma
indication for removal of splenic cysts
symptomatic, >10cm
causes of secondary hypersplenism
inc venous pressure (portal HTN, CHF), cancer (leukemia), chronic inflammatory disease (Felty's syndrome, SLE, sarcoid), myeloproliferative disease, amyloidosis, AIDS, hemolytic anemias, polycythemia vera
indications for splenectomy associated with hypersplenism
ANY primary hypersplenism (rare), CLL, CML, NHL, Hodgkin's, hairy cell, hemolytic anemia, sarcoid
Rheumatoid arthritis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
Felty's syndrome
Lipid metabolism disorder leading to splenomegaly
Gaucher's disease
Most common congenital hemolytic anemia requiring splenectomy
Spectrin defect causing deformed RBCs and splenic sequestration
Treatment of spherocytosis
Spectrin and protein 4.1 deficit causing deformed RBCs and splenic sequestration
Congenital hemolytic anemia causing altered glucose metabolism
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Congenital hemolytic anemia precipitated by infection, certain drugs, and fava beans
G6P deficiency
Replacement of HgbA with HgbS, causes splenic auto-infarction
Sickle cell anemia
Persistent fetal HgbF causing anemia, pallor, growth retardation, head enlargement
Hodgkin's disease class A
Hodgkin's disease class B
Symptomatic (night sweats, fever, weight loss)
Hodgkin's disease with 2 noncontiguous areas on the same side of diaphragm
Stage II
Hodgkin's disease with involvement on both sides of the diaphragm
Stage III
Most common subtype of Hodgkin's disease
Nodular sclerosing
Cells seen on cytology for Hodgkin's
Reed Sternberg cells
Most common subtype of NonHodgkin's lymphoma
B cell lymphoma (90%)
Treatment of NHL
XRT, chemotherapy (vincrisine, cyclophosphamide, prednisone, Adriamycin)
Treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma
XRT, chemotherapy (vincristine, cyclophosphamide, prednisone, procarbazine)
Causes of spontaneous splenic rupture (6)
Mononucleosis, malaria, sepsis, sarcoid, leukemia, polycythemia vera
Splenic implants, often caused by trauma
Most common cause of splenic artery or splenic vein thrombosis