The Road to Revolution: 1754-1775 (Quiz 5)

  1. Navagation Acts
    - This law passed in Parliament was specifically designed to regulate American trade.
  2. Treaty of Paris (1763)
    - This ended the French and Indian War and gave England all of the French territories in North America.
  3. Salutary Neglect
    - This pre-1763 British policy overlooked colonial violations of Britain's trade laws and allowed the colonies to govern themselves.
  4. Albany Plan of Union
    - In an attempt to bring the Iroquois into the Seven Years' War and deal with other military affairs, this proposal, drafted by Benjamin Franklin, presented the idea that colonial defense problems should be handled by a royally-appointed president-general and a federal council of delegates chosen by the colonies. It was rejected by the colonies and the Iroquois remained neutral during the war.
  5. Power of the Purse
    - The ability of colonial legislatures in the 18c to initiate money bills, specifying the amount to be raised and its uses.
  6. Proclamation of 1763
    - This was a move by Britain to forbid American settlers from moving westward into Native American territories in the Ohio Valley.
  7. Letter From a Pennsylvania Famer
    - This work, written by John Dickinson, protested against the Townshend Acts and questioned the right of Parliament to levy "external" duties to raise revenue in the colonies.
  8. Coercive Acts
    - Lord North's attempt to punish Americans for the Boston "Tea Party"; it closed Boston Harbor.
  9. Stamp Act
    - The second of Grenville's revenue measures, it led to the Virginia Resolve and colonial congress.
  10. Olive Branch Petiton
    - A final attempt by moderates in the Continental Congress to prevent an all-out war with Britain.
  11. Declaratory Act
    - This legislation was a defense of Parliament's sovereignty over the colonies; it was passed to compensate for the repeal of the Stamp Act.
  12. Sons and Daughter of Liberty
    - This network of lawyers, merchants, tradesmen, and other townspeople organized colonial protests against British regulations.
  13. Quebec Act
    - It recognized the religion freedom of Canada's largely Catholic population; the American colonists saw this as a British attempt to disregard the colonies' western land claims and surround them with Catholic allies of the British Crown.
  14. Samuel Adams
    - This political agitator led the Boston Tea Party and attended the First Continental Congress as a delegate from Massachusetts.
  15. Declaration of Rights and Grievances
    - This was adopted by the First Continental Congress and it promised obedience to the king, but denied Parliament the right to tax the colonies.
  16. Committee of Correspondence
    - Colonial radicals formed these groups in each town and colony to spread the word of any new English aggression.
  17. Writs of Assistence
    - A general search warrant used by the British customs officials to hunt for smuggled goods.
  18. Stamp Act
    - This document, proposed by Lord North, promised any colony that would provide for its own government and defense virtual immunity from taxation. This plan was rejected by the colonies.
  19. Townshed Acts
    - A series of new duties enacted by Parliament on widely used colonial products, this legislation established the vice-admiralty courts to enforce British trade laws.
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The Road to Revolution: 1754-1775 (Quiz 5)
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