US History 2

  1. Why were the Puritans beginning to lose control?
    Decline in attendance at church
  2. Wanted to get the church back to the basics. "Fire and brimstone", dramatized witches
    Cotton Mather
  3. Salem Village
    Small, sleepy, quiet town, port city
  4. The town minister
    Samuel Parris
  5. Parris' slave, confessed to witchcraft
  6. Play/Movie that targeted the Salem Witch Trials
    The Crucible
  7. How many cases of witchcraft in the colonies?
  8. An average townswoman that was declared a witch;put to death and hanged
    Martha Carrier
  9. Wife condemned a witch
    Governor William Phipps
  10. The toll of the Salem Witch Trials
    19 dead
  11. Reasons for the Salem Witch Trials
    Religious fervor, Puritan excuse to weed out the negative, backlash against women
  12. The heart of the family
  13. Domestic duties of the woman
    Take care of the children, cooking, cleaning, gardening
  14. Duties of women in the field
    Slaughtered and cooked animals on property
  15. The man is out in the fields
    Agrarian household
  16. Seen as free labor
  17. Most widespread device in the early American colonies, people learned to read from this
    the Bible
  18. Boys Apprentice to be
    Blacksmiths, agrarians, distillers, mercantilism
  19. Girls apprentice to be
    Mothers, involved in church affairs
  20. Basic Colonial Diet
    Garden, Farm, Local goods, Hunting, Seasonal
  21. Primary meat of the colonists
  22. What colonials drank
    Goat and Cow Milk
  23. A famous distiller
    George Washington
  24. Archaic methods, bad things in blood were causing illness
    Morbific matter
  25. Draining "bad blood"
  26. Weird Remedies
    Kidney Beans, Turkey Buzzard eggs, Rattlesnake flesh
  27. Another name for the French and Indian War
    The Seven Years War
  28. Mother country lets their countries govern themselves, conciliation with the colonies. Coined by?
    Salutary Neglect, Edmund Burke
  29. Do not have strength in numbers, respective of Native American culture, built a society based on alliances, uses the enemy as incentive
    The French
  30. British War Governor
    Robert Dinwiddie
  31. Elite, Lt. Colonell, leads 160 men into Ohio River valley, surrenders
    George Washington
  32. Washingotn eradicated French patrol in an area, takes prisoners and takes them to the fort on lower ground; attacked from higher ground
    Ft. Necessity
  33. General, arrogant, racist, elitist, believes there is no way that he'll lose
    Edward Braddock
  34. French fortress, have to go through thick Pennsylvania forest
    Ft. Duquesne
  35. Guerrilla warfare, 2200 men with Braddock, walks into an ambush, Braddock fatally wounded
    Battle of Monongahela
  36. How was Braddock killed?
    Arrogance, Lack of Native American Scouts, Lack of discipline in his troops, Underestimated the French
  37. One of the more important French generals. Captures many forts, has many victories, defended Quebec, did not understand relationship Native Americans-French
    General Louis-Joseph Montcalm
  38. British fort captured by Montcalm and his men
    Fort William Henry
  39. Why do they take prisoners?
    Replace the dead, So Native Americans can get their POWs back, General Payment, Scalping
  40. How much more money did the English spend than the French?
    10 times as much
  41. Fought in the Battle of Quebec
    James Wolfe, fought the old fashioned way
  42. Another name for the Battle of Quebec
    Battle of the plains of Abraham
  43. Prime minister, victory at all costs mentality, spend until we win
    William Pitt
  44. Treaty of Paris- English gained
    Canada North America India Florida
  45. Treaty of Paris- Spain Gained
    Louisiana, French, North America
  46. Treaty of Paris- Colonials gained
    solidarity, unity,
  47. Ottawa Indian chirf attacks colonial and English forts in the Ohio River Valley; based on resistance
    Pontiac's Rebellion
  48. Brutality in Western Penn, Native Americans are seen as menaces to society
    The Battle of Bushy Run
  49. Eradicated everyone, fueled by rage
    Paxton Boys
  50. Blankets laced with small pox
    Germ Warfare
  51. Protect Native American rights, keep the peace, demarcation line-colonists ignored
    Proclamation of 1763
  52. Create revenue, but a miniscule amount
    Poll, property and excise tax
  53. Prime minister, believes it was "just and necessary" to tax
    George Greenville
  54. Taxes wine, coffee, and molasses
    The Sugar Act
  55. High taxes on French sugar, black market trade involved
    The Molasses Act
  56. Controlled currency, colonial money not worth anything in English trade
    Currency Act
  57. Forced the colonies to take in soldiers, Parliament disagrees with this, colonials must provide supplies
    Quartering Act by Sir Thomas Gage
  58. Taxed colonial commercial and legal papers, playing cards and dice
    The Stamp Act
  59. No colonists are represented in Parliament and none are allowed to vote
    Taxation without representation
  60. American protester, seen as treasonous by some
    Patrick Henry
  61. Leader of the Sons of Liberty, could be seen as terroristic
    Samuel Adams
  62. Sons of Liberty destroy his home, make an effigy of him, and burned down his new tax office
    Andrew Oliver
  63. Popular tactic used on tax collectors
    Tar & Feathering
  64. Loyal to the crown, mostly found in New England
  65. Prime minister during french and Indian war
    William Pitt
  66. Chief financial advisor for William Pitt
    Charles Townshend
  67. Acts used to grow the English government's treasury
    The Townshend Acts
  68. Act specifically for New York
    Suspending Act
  69. Taxation on most used and traded goods
    Townshend duties
  70. Nickname for English soldiers
  71. 1st Victim of the Revolutionary War, Mullato
    Crispus Attucks
  72. Crispus Attucks and companions started chain of open fire
    Boston Massacre
  73. Drew Propaganda shaded towards the colonials
    Paul Revere
  74. Defended the English in the Boston Massacre
    John Adams
  75. Colonial merchants must pay tax to produce their own tea
    Tea Act
  76. Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty impersonate Mohawk Indians, and throw 18 thousands pounds of tea into the harbor
    The Boston Tea Party
  77. The English unleash these upon the colonies after the Boston Tea Party
    The Intolerable Acts
  78. New Governor of Massachusetts from the Intolerable Acts
    Thomas Gage
  79. Fur and fish trade can continue, French control the Ohio river valley
    The Quebec Act
  80. Life, Liberty, Property, Assembly, and trial by jury, no taxation without representation
    Declaration of Colonial Rights
  81. Wants to recover everything from the New England powder houses without conflict
    Governor General Gage
  82. Mounts a horse and rides to Lexington, meets Samuel and John Hancock, one if by land, two if by sea
    Paul Revere's Ride
  83. The first battle of the American Revolution, colonials retreat, 15 minute fight
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
  84. Seek formal separation from English
  85. Separation from the English is a bad idea
    Moderates- Loyalists, Tories
  86. Nominated by John Adams, well known and supported by Congress, leads the Continental army
    George Washington
  87. Led by General William How, Colonials had advantage and had to retreat because they ran out of ammo
    Bunker Hill
  88. Instills confidence in the colonials that they can defeat the English
    Bunker Hillism
  89. German mercinaries that fight for the English, seen as beastly and brutal
  90. 150,000 copies, pamphlet written where people can understand it, explores both sides
    Thomas Paine's Common Sense
  91. America's Divorce Papers, Life liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Signed?
    Declaration of Independence, Signed July 4,1776
  92. The people have the power, who coined it?
    Social contract- John Locke
  93. Monarch that the Declaration of Independence was sent to
    King George III
  94. Included in signing the Declaration
    John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin
  95. Polished hot shot, slave owner, strong and talented political writer and thinker
    Thomas Jefferson
  96. Wanted to eliminate blacks from service- they'll expect something in return
    Edward Rutledge
  97. Offer to slaves- if they choose to join the crown they would be freed
    Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
  98. 60 cannons, forced English out and takes Boston
    Siege of Boston
  99. Howe beats Washington in New York
    Battle of Brooklyn Heights
  100. Washington and his men attack Hessians right after Christmas and overwhelms them
    The Battle of Trenton
  101. Washington wins as well after the Battle of Trenton here
    Battle of Princeton
  102. The year of the hangman
  103. Famous colonial general, 12,000 troops vs. Burgoyne's 6000
    General Horatio Gates
  104. Philadelphia falls to the ENglish
    Battle of Brandywine Creek
  105. Brutal conditions during the Winter, 2,500 die
    Valley Forge
  106. Disciplinarian general
    Frederick William Barron von Steuban
  107. Frontiersman, William Clark's brother, revolutionary war hero
    George Rogers Clark
  108. George Rogers Clark deceives English guard with his number of men
    Campaign to re-take Vincennes
  109. General Nathaniel Greene leads the Americans, Cornwallis blamed himself for not defeating the Americans here
    Battle of Guilford Court House
  110. Inspired by the Pennsylvanian mutiny, around a dozen leave
    New Jersey Mutiny
  111. Why did the British lose?
    Inefficiency, home field disadvantage, overconfidence, politics
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US History 2
Test 2