
  1. Attitude
    • an evaluation, either positive or negative, of a person, object, event, etc., that is exhibited in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
    • include: affect(feelings), behavior (intention), cognition (thoughts)
  2. Lapiere (1934)
    First study to demonstrate inconsistency between attitudes and behaviors
  3. Wicker (1969)
    Reviewed literature and concluded no attitude-behavior consistency
  4. 3 main predictors of behavior?
    • Attitudes towards the behavior
    • Subjective norms
    • Perceived behavioral control
  5. When'd do attitudes predict behavior?
    • When situational pressures are minimized,
    • when attention is focused on the attitude,
    • when the attitude is formed by active experience,
    • when attitude is personally relevant, when the cognitive and effective components of attitude match,
    • when appropriate measures are used
  6. cognitive dissonance theory
    People want and need to be consistent, the theory that inconsistencies between a persons thoughts, sentiments and actions create and aversive emotional state(dissonance) that leaves to efforts to restore consistency
  7. insufficient justification
    It appears that most of us are willing to sell our souls for money, and If the money is good enough, it doesn’t even seem necessary to justify the sale
  8. Major assumptions of dissonance theory?
    • People have many pre-existing attitudes.
    • People prefer consistency among attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
    • Inconsistency creates an aversive state of arousal
    • People may resolve the dissonance by changing their attitudes
  9. self-perception theory
    people come to know their own attitudes by looking at their behavior and the context in which it occurred and inferring what their attitudes must be
  10. major assumptions of self-perception theory?
    • People do not have lots of pre-existing attitudes.
    • Just like with other people, we infer our own attitudes by perceiving our own behavior
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psyc 140