Rad. path

  1. Scurvy is a deficency of what?
    ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  2. This may occur when a persons calorie intake exceed their physical activity?
  3. What is Pica?
    a compulsive eating disorder that eats items other than food
  4. This is a chronic, inherited disease and occurs when fat replaces muscles:
    muscular distrophy
  5. What is another term for Down Syndrome?
  6. What are some radiographic appearances of Down Syndrome?
    wide set eyes, short and flat nose, coarse tongue that often protrudes, and congential heart disease
  7. Where is a Swan-Ganz catheter placed?
    lies within the right or left main pulmonary artery
  8. 1/3 of are positioned incorrectly?
    CVP or central venous catheters
  9. Where should an Endotracheal Tube be positioned?
    5 to 7 cm above carina
  10. Which catheter has a radiographic strip for visualization radiographically?
    Swanz-Ganz catheter
  11. Name 2 types of Transvenous Cardiac Pacemakers:
    dual and single
  12. Why might a lateral CXR be done for pacemakers placement?
    to visualize posterior to coronary sinus
  13. What modality is the desired choice for proper placement of internal devices?
    radiography of the chest
  14. Where does scurvy mainly occur in children?
    wrist and knee
  15. What is the radiographic appearance of scurvy?
    pelken spurs, white line appearance, and osteoporosis
  16. The bowing of weight bearing bones can be caused by this:
  17. What is Osteomalacia?
    softening of the bones
  18. In the event that a patient has had gastric bypass surgery and a follow-up procedure is ordered in radiology, what type of contrast would be consumed by the patient first?
    use gastrografin to look for leaks then use barium after approved
  19. What does lead poisoning look like radiographically?
    look like use contrast, lead on long bones
  20. What does Muscular Dystrophy look like radiographically?
    fine straighted/stripped appearance
  21. Why is Ultrasound the modality of choice for the Reproductive system?
    because it does not use ionizing radiation
  22. Where does the final maturation of sperm occur?
  23. What is a Vasectomy?
    severing of the vas deferens
  24. What is Spermatiogenesis?
    formation of sperm
  25. In general, what is also known as enlargment of the prostate gland and how is it usually diagnosed?
    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, ultrasound best diagnosed
  26. What are some symptoms of BPH?
    inability to empty the bladder, partial urinary tract obstruction, and hydronephrosis
  27. What is the radiographic appearance of BPH?
    smooth impressions on the floor of the bladder, J-shaped or fish hook of the ureters
  28. What does TUR stand for?
    transurethral resection
  29. What is the 2nd most common malignanvy in men and how old are they when this usually occurs?
    Prostate cancer and it occurs with black males over the age of 50
  30. What are some symptoms of Prostate cancer?
  31. What is the radiographic appearance of Prostate cancer?
    elevation and irregular bladder, ivory vertebra,
  32. What is a common treatment of Prostate cancer?
    seeding impantation
  33. What is often associated with prostate cancer?
    a disterbance of hormaone secretion of the sex glands
  34. What does PID stand for and what is it usually caused by?
    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and is caused by venereal disease in women in childbearing age, unsterile abrotion or delivery,
  35. What is the imaging choice for PID?
    Ultra sound
  36. What is a Hysterosalpingogram?
    uterine cavity and fallopian tubes are opacified after the injection of contrast material into the uterus
  37. What is Endometriosis?
    presence of normal-appearing endometrium in sites other than their normal locations inside the uterus
  38. Endometriosis usually can affect what other part of the body?
  39. What is the 3rd most common form of cancer in women?
    carcinoma of the cervix
  40. What is used to diagnois blocked fallopian tubes?
  41. Where is the most common region for cancer to be located in the breast?
    upper outer
  42. What is the difference between Polyhydramnios and Olgohydramnios?
    • Polyhydramnios-excessive amniotic fluid
    • Olgohydramnios-small volume of amniotic fluid
  43. What is determined in an Ultrasound scan for a pregnant woman?
    it detects pid and pelvic abscesses
  44. What is the name of the exam usually performed for female infertility?
  45. What is an ectopic pregnancy?
    a pregnancy that does not occur in uterus but elsewhere such as in the tubes
  46. Where is the cervix located?
    posterior to the bladder
  47. What is ovulation?
    where the follicle rupture and expels the mature ovum into the pelvic cavity
  48. Where is the prostrate gland located?
    lies just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra
  49. How may breast cancer appear on a mammogram?
    fine linear strand appearance
  50. 1/3 of the patients with cervical cancer may also have what other conditions?
  51. A pap smear is usually done to check for what?
    cervical cancer
  52. Where does endometriosis occur?
  53. What does PID stand for?
    pelvic inflammatory disease
  54. What is pus in the fallopian tubes?
  55. What is fluid in the fallopian tubes?
  56. What is a common death from cervical cancer?
    renal failure
  57. what percent of men get breast cancer?
  58. PID imaging of choice is what?
  59. Where does metatisize of the bone occur in prostate cancer?
    pelvis, thoracolumbar spine, and ribs
  60. what does breast cancer look like radiographically?
    fine linear strands and calcifications
  61. What is estrogen is secreted by?
    follicular cells
  62. What is a old exam in past to look at the pelvic childbirth?
  63. Pelcons spur occur with what?
  64. What is the most common chromosomal anomoly is ?
    down syndrome
  65. lead and what are interchangably in the body?
  66. T/F ET is too high if it causes atelectais.
    F, if its too low
  67. What is a radiographic appearance of obesity?
    short wide chest and diaphragm too high
  68. What is also known as weight bowing?
  69. What do you want to see with the HSG?
    spillage into the peritenium
  70. Who does a HSG?
    OBGYN, we set up tray and patient prep
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Rad. path