chapter three

  1. _______ is one of hte most widely used methods of assesment in early childhood programs
    a. observation
    C. assess a child's development by observing their typical classroom activities
  3. Assessment is the process of collecting information about childrens development, learning, health, behavieor, academic progress, and need for special serviced in order to plan and implement curriculum and insturction. Assessment is imporant because
    c. all assessment decisions taken as a whole will direct and alter childrens learning outcomes
  4. The preschool teacher is sitting in the library center listening to two students reading to each other. The teacher has a clipboard in her lap and she is checking off info on a rubric about the eway the children are holding the book, turning the pages and discussing the pictures. the teacher is demonstraing the sue of which of the following types of assesment
    • c screening procedures
    • d. all of the above
    • E..... A & B......
  5. Formal assessments differ from informal assessment in which of the following areas?
    b. in formal assessments, the guidelines are set and ther are standard procedures for administration
  6. The teacher is trying to determine the fien motor develoment of the child. the teacher is demonstrating the use of what type of assesment
    c. authentic assessment
  7. Systmatic, purposeful observation requires careful planning. which one of the following is n ot a step in the observation process
    d. verify the data with another assessment insturment
  8. According to the text, which of the following is crucial part of the planning process in conductin observations?
    b. setting goals
  9. what is high stakes testing?
    • a. when standerdized tests are used to dertermine developmental levels for curriculum planning
    • b. when decisions about promotion and retention are made on the basis of one standardized test.
    • c. wehn decisions about admittance to programs are made on the basis of standardized testing
    • D.... ALL OF THE ABOVE
    • e. b and c only
  10. This includes a writting sample from the first day of school, a drawing from the second month, a writting sample from the third month of school and a photograph of a block buildinng. this is an example of which of the follwoing types of assesments
    d. portfolio
  11. john built a tall building. lucinda walked by and bumped it. as lucinda walked away he yelled " you stupid" this is an example of
    a. anecdotal record
  12. Any assessment that gives a broad picture of what children know and are able to do, their physical helath, and their emotional status.
    d. screening measures
  13. collections of childrens work that demonstrate what they know and are able to do and provides a concrete example of learning that can show growth and achievemnt over time
  14. an assessment test used to either admit children into programs or promote children from one grade to the next
    a. high-stakes assemssment testing
  15. the intentional, systematic act of looking at the behavioer of a child or children in a particular setting, program or situation.
    b. observation
  16. assessment conducted through activities that require children to demonstrate what they know and are able to do
    authentic assesments
Card Set
chapter three
midterm review