- a- unilaterally- laterally flex the head and neck to the same side. rotate the head and neck to the opposite side
- bilaterally - flex the neck, assist in inhalation
o-sternal head- top of manubrium, clavicular head- medial one-third of the clavicle
i- mastoid process of temporal bone and the lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput
anterior scalene
0- transverse procceses of third through sixth cervical vertebrae
i- first rib
middle scalene
o- transverse processes of second through seventh cervical vertebrae
i- first rib
posterior scalene
o- transverse processes of fifth and sicth cervical vertebrae
i- second rib
- a- elevate the mandible
- 0- zygomatic arch
- i- angle and ramus of mandible
actions of scalenes
unilaterally- with the ribs fixed, laterally flex the head and neck to the same side, rotate head and neck to the opposite side
bilaterally- elevate the ribs during inhalation, flex the head and neck
- a- elevate the mandible, retract the mandible
- o- temporal fossa and fascia
- i- coronoid process of the mandible
- a0 elevate hyoid and tongue, depress mandible
- o- geniohyoid, mylohyoid- underside of mandible
- stylohyoid- styloid process
i- hyoid bone
- a- depresses the mandible with hyoid bone fixed,,,, it elevates the hyoid bone, retracts the mandible
- o- mastoid process
- i- inferior border of the mandible
- a- depress the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
- o-sternohyoid- top of manubrium, thyrohyoid= throid cartilage, omohyoid- superior border of the scapula
- i- sternohyoid, omohyoid, and thyrohyoid- hyoid bone, sternothyroid- thyroid cartilage
- a- assist in depression of the mandible, tighten the fascia
- o- fascia covering superior part of pectoralis major
- i- base of mandible, skin of lower part of face
- a- frontalis raise the eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead, occipitalis- anchor and retract the galea posteriorly
- o- ask askas aks
medial pterygoid
a- unilaterally- laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
bilaterally- elevate the mandible, protract the mandible
- o-medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone and tuberosity of maxilla
- i-medial surface of ramus of the mandible
lateral pterygoid
- a- unilaterally- laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
- bilaterally- protract the mandible
- o-superior head- infratemproal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone
- inferior head 0 lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
- i- articular disc and capsule of temporomandiblar joint, neck of mandible