CVA risk factors
- males > 55 years of age
- african american
- hypertension (>120 systolic)
- diabetes mellitus
- family history
Risk Redux Tips: CVA
- monitor BP
- lower alcohol intake
- monitor blood sugar
- avoid street drugs
- monitor diet
- regular check ups
Warning signs of CVA
- sudden:
- -numbness (face, arms, legs, esp on 1 side)
- -confusion, vision problems, trouble walking or loss of balance & coordination
- -severe headaches w/ no known cause
- you can tell where a stroke was by which cranial nerves were affected (memorize!)
"Quick Neuro Check"
- LOC (AAOx3-4)--people, place, time, situation
- pupillary checks
- movement/strength of extremities
- vital signs
Glasgow Coma Scale
- assesses LOC
- Best 15/15, worst 3/15
- Eye opening response 4-1; verbal response 5-1; motor response 6-1
- GCS < 10 needs emergency attention
Decorticate/flexion posture
- flexion of arms, clenched fists, extended legs; arms bent in towards body
- caused by increased pressure on corticospinal tract
Decerebrate/extension posture:
- arms/legs straight out, toes down, head & neck backwards
- cause is normally severe injury/pressure to brainstem
reflex hammer ranges
- 1+-3+ = normal
- 4+ = hyperreflexia