Nervous System

  1. autonomic nervous system (ANS)
    the parts of the PNS that carry messages between the CNS and organs that function autonomously

    • autonomy (self-sufficiency)
    • -ic (adjective suffix)
    • (aw-to-NOM-ik)
  2. arachnoid mater
    delicate web-like layer of the meninges; middle layer

    • Gr. arachne (spider, cobweb)
    • -oid (resemblance)
    • (ah-RAK-noyd MAY-turh)
  3. axon
    the part of a neuron that conducts electrical impulses

    • axo- (axis)
    • -n (noun ending)
    • (AX-ohn)
  4. brain stem
    the part of the brain that controls functions including heart rate, breathing, and body temperature

    includes midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
  5. cell body
    • one of the three parts of a neuron cell
    • (the other two are the axon and dendrites)
  6. central nervous system (CNS)
    subdivision of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord
  7. cerebellum
    the part of the brain that controls the skeletal muscles

    • cerebr/o (brain)
    • (SERR-uh-bell-uhm)
  8. cerebral cortex
    the gray matter surrounding the cerebrum

    • cerebr/o (brain)
    • -al (adjective suffix)
    • (seh-REE-bruhl KOR-tex)
  9. cerebrospinal fluid
    the fluid in and around the brain and spinal cord

    • cerebr/o (brain)
    • L. spina
    • fluid (common English word)
    • (seh-REE-bro-SPY-nuhl)
  10. cerebrum
    • the largest part of the brain
    • controls conscious thought and stores memories

    • cerebr/o (brain)
    • (seh-REE-bruhm)
  11. dendrite
    • one of two processes extending from a neuron cell body
    • (the other is the axon)

    • Gr. dendrites (relating to a tree)
    • (DEN-dryte)
  12. diencephalon
    the part of the brain containing both the thalamus and the hypothalamus

    • di- (two)
    • encephal/o (of or relating to the brain)
    • -on (noun suffix)
    • (dy-en-SEFF-uh-lohn)
  13. dura mater
    the outer meninges, the fibrous membrane protecting the CNS

    • L. words meaning "hard mother"
    • (DOO-ruh MAY-tuhr)
  14. frontal lobe
    the front part of the brain from which voluntary muscle movements and other sensory and motor tasks are directed

  15. ganglion
    a group of neuron cell bodies grouped together in the PNS

    • Gr. word (swelling or knot)
    • pl.: ganglia
    • (GANG-lee-ohn)
  16. hypothalamus
    the hormone and emotion center of the brain that controls autonomic functions

    • hypo- (below, deficient)
    • Gr. thalamus (a bed, a bedroom)
    • (HY-po-thal-uh-muhs)
  17. leptomeninx
    collective term for the arachnoid mater and pia mater

    • lepto- (light, slender, thin, frail)
    • meninx = pl. form of mening/o (membrane)
    • (LEPP-toh-ME-ninks)
  18. medulla oblongata
    the part of the brain stem that sends sensory information to the thalamus to direct the autonomic functions of the heart, lungs, and other viscera

    • L. marrow
    • L. oblongatus (oblong)
    • (meh-DUH-luh ohb-lohng-GAH-tuh)
  19. meninges
    three layer membrane surrounding brain and spinal cord

    • mening/o (membrane)
    • (meh-NIHN-jees)
  20. mesencephalon
    • the middle part of the brain between the diencephalon and the pons
    • the midbrain

    • mes/o (middle)
    • encephal/o (brain)
    • -on (noun suffix)
    • (mez-ehn-SEFF-ah-lon)
  21. myelin sheath
    a fatty white envelope of cells providing protection and electrical insulation to neurons

    • myel/o (bone marrow; spinal cord)
    • (MY-eh-lin sheeth)
  22. nerve
    a whitish, cordlike structure composed of one or more bundles of nerve fibers outside the CNS, together with their connective tissues and nourishing blood vessels
  23. neuroglia
    cells within both the CNS and PNS, which, although they are external to neurons, form an essential part of nerve tissue

    • neur/o (nerve)
    • Gr. glia (glue)
    • (nuhr-o-GLEE-uh)
  24. neuron
    a nerve cell, including the cell body and its axon

    • neur/o (nerve)
    • -on (noun suffix)
    • (NUHR-ohn)
  25. neurotransmitter
    chemical released by the presynaptic cell that is then picked up by the postsynaptic cell to effect an action

    • neur/o (nerve)
    • L. trans (across)
    • mittere (to send)
    • (NOO-roh-TRANS-mitt-ehr)
  26. nucleus
    a group of neuron cell bodies grouped together in the CNS

    • L. word meaning kernel
    • (NEW-klee-uhs)
    • pl. nuclei (NEW-klee-eye)
  27. occipital lobe
    the part of the brain that processes information from the sense of sight and other sensory and motor tasks

    • L. occiput (back of the head)
    • (AWK-sihp-ih-tuhl lobe)
  28. parietal lobe
    the part of the brain that processes information from the sense of touch and other sensory and motor tasks

    • L. parietalis (walls)
    • -al (adjective suffix)
    • (pah-RY-uh-tuhl lobe)
  29. peripheral nervous system (PNS)
    made up of neurons, neuroglia, and associated tissue, including the cranial and spinal nerves and the sensory and motor nerves that extend throughout the body

    • peri- (surrounding)
    • Gr. pherein (to carry)
    • (puh-RIFF-uh-ruhl)
  30. pia mater
    inner layer of the meninges

    • L. words meaning "tender mother"
    • (PEE-ah MAY-turh)
  31. pons
    the part of the brain stem that passes information to the cerebellum and the thalamus to regulate subconscious somatic activities

    • L. word meaning "bridge"
    • (POHNS)
  32. psychomotor
    an adjective used to indicate the relation between activity psychic and muscular movement

    • psych/o (of the mind)
    • L. motor (mover)
    • (SY-ko-mo-tuhr)
  33. somatic nervous system
    the parts of the PNS that carry impulses for conscious rather than habitual activity

    • somat/o (body, bodily)
    • -ic (adjective suffix)
    • (so-MAT-ik)
  34. spinal nerves
    the 31 pairs of nerves located along the spinal column

    • L. spina (spine)
    • (SPY-nahl)
  35. synapse
    the connecting point between nerve cells or between a nerve cell and a receptor or effector cell

    • syn- (together)
    • Gr. hapto (clasp)
    • (SIH-naps)
  36. temporal lobe
    the part of the brain that processes information from the senses of hearing, smell, and taste, and other sensory and motor tasks

    • L. temporalis (time, temple)
    • (TEM-puh-ruhl lobe)
  37. thalamus
    part of the brain that processes sensory information

    • Gr. thalamus (bed, bedroom)
    • (THAL-uh-muhs)
  38. ventricles
    cavities between the cerebrum and brain stem

    • L. ventriculus
    • dim. of venter (belly)
    • (VEN-trik-uhls)
Card Set
Nervous System
definitions, pronunciations, analysis