
  1. name and describe 2 interventions for basic reading skills:
    • 1. guess the word
    • Preparation: Collect a stack of cards with pictures that represent simple CVC words. You can make your own by finding pics on the Internet, printing them, and pasting them on cards. Gather a large stack so that you can vary the words each time you do the activity.
    • Steps: 1. Have students sit in a circle and place picture cards in the middle.
    • 2. Say: “I am going to say the name of one of the pictures in snail talk. I want you to look at the pictures and guess which one I am saying.”
    • 3. Listen: “BBAAATTT.” What picture am I saying?
    • 4. Have students respond as a group first.
    • 5. Monitor progress with Phoneme Segmentation

    • word sort:
    • Preparation: Determine what sounds the students are learning. Create individual words that contain the letter sounds and cut them out and laminate. Gather containers where students can place the words. Label the containers with the sounds students are learning. Short and long vowel sounds are one example.
    • Steps:
    • 1. Place students in partners.
    • 2. Instruct students to place the words in the correct container by sound.
    • 3. Students take turns with their partner and continue until all the words have been sorted.
    • 4. Walk around during the activity and ask students to explain why they are putting the words in the containers they are.Monitor progress with nonsense word fluency (DIBELS).
  2. name an interventions for reading fluency:
    • phrase drill:
    • Preparation: Collect passages that the student reads with 85-95% accuracy. Get a highlighter.
    • Steps:
    • 1. Instruct the student to read the passage.
    • 2. Highlight any words read incorrectly.
    • 3. Point to each highlighted word and read them to the student
    • 4. Instruct the student to read the word back to u
    • 5. Instruct the students to read the sentences with the words they read incorrectly three times aloud.
    • 6. If a sentence contains more than one word read incorrectly, have the student read each word in isolation first, before reading the sentence aloud three times.
    • 7. Monitor progress with Oral Reading Fluency.
  3. an intervention for written expression:
    • write-say spelling:
    • Preparation: Obtain baseline data on student's spelling accuracy. Baseline should be conducted by giving students their spelling list on Monday and allowing them to study on their own on Tuesday through Thursday. On Friday, students are assessed for spelling accuracy.
    • Steps [Following 2 weeks of baseline]:
    • 1. Word list is given on Monday and the students are told to study word list on their own.
    • 2. On Tuesday, assess for spelling accuracy by calling words out to the student and allowing them to write them. Following this test and verbal feedback on test performance, students are instructed to say the words and write the correct spelling of any word spelled incorrectly five times each.
    • 3. On Wednesday, procedure is repeated, except that the misspelled words were simultaneously rewritten and restated correctly 10 consecutive times.
    • 4. On Thursday, procedures remained similar, except that incorrectly spelled words were rewritten and restated correctly 15 times each.
    • 5. On Friday, subjects are assessed for spelling accuracy by writing words from a list that the teacher presented verbally.
  4. intervention for math calculation:
    cover copy compare:

    • Preparation: Teaching staff should be trained in the use of the Cover, Copy, and Compare procedure. Students should then be taught to use the procedure initially under teacher supervision, and ultimately for independent practice use.
    • Steps:
    • For each multiplication problem on the page:
    • 1. Look at the problem and its solution.
    • 2. Cover them both completely with an index card.
    • 3. Write the problem and solution on the right side of the page from memory.
    • 4. Uncover the problem and solution.
    • 5. Evaluate the written response for accuracy.
    • Tips: Because this technique may become tedious for some students, teachers may implement motivational procedures such as Public Posting or Mystery Motivators in conjunction with Cover, Copy, and Compare. This procedure may also be effective with other academic subjects, such as spelling or any memorization tasks.
  5. intervention for math problem solving:
    • mathmatical problem solving:
    • Preparation:
    • The teacher should review the curriculum for mathematical problem solving. The teacher can prepare posters to help the students remember what they are learning.

    • Steps:
    • 1.The teacher should explain the meaning of “transfer” and introduce the four types of problems.
    • 2. The teacher then assists students in working partially worked examples.
    • 3. The students then work in pairs on math problemsHomework is assigned and students are encouraged to search novel problems for transfer features to identify familiar problem types and apply the solutions they know
  6. intervention for reading comprehension:
    • story mapping:
    • Preparation: Select a narrative story to show in front of the class. Make a transparency or use a document projector to show the story to the class.
    • Go to and click on “Intervention Ideas.” Scoll down to the “Reading Comprehension” section and click on “Advanced Story Map.” Then click on the “Advanced Story Map” link included in the intervention description.
    • Steps:
    • 1. Preview the story with students: Today we are going to talk about {story title}. We are going to look for the main parts together using the story map worksheets.
    • 2. Explain the parts of the story mapping worksheet.
    • 3. Together identify important characters, main problem, solution and theme. Complete the parts of the worksheet as a class.
    • 4. Provide time for error correction to ensure that students understand the main components.
    • 5. Instruct the students to read a new story independently. Have them identify the main components on their own.Monitor progress with Maze comprehension assessment (AIMSweb).
  7. reading intervention for listening comprehension:
    • empowering teachers:
    • 3-5 sentence paragraphs
    • 1. teacher explains task "we are going to identify the main idea."
    • 2. teacher models task “To identify the main idea, think about who or what the story is about."
    • 3. Teacher & Students practice task together
    • 4. students practice task
    • 5. independent practice
    • 6. Scaffolding suggestion for errors: Verify that students are identifying the main idea for the sample paragraph. If an error is made, repeat the steps by explaining, modeling, and providing another practice opportunity. If difficulties persist, shorten the sentence length and simplify the word choice in the text.
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