ABSITE ch 40 gynecology.txt

  1. Role of round ligament
    Anteversion of uterus
  2. Contents of broad ligament
    Uterine vessels
  3. Contents of infundibular ligament
    Ovarian artery, nerve, vein
  4. Function of cardinal ligament
    Holds cervix and vagina
  5. Beta HCG level where fetal pole is seen
  6. beta HCG level where gestational sac is seen
  7. 1st trimester bleeding, with closed os, positive sac on ultrasound, no heartbeat
    missed abortion
  8. 1st trimester bleeding with positive heartbeat
    threatened abortion
  9. 1st trimester bleeding with tissue protruding through os
    incomplete abortion
  10. risk factors for eptopic pregnancy (3)
    PID, previous ectopic, previous tubal manipulation
  11. Disease causing dysmenorrheal, infertility, dyspareunia
  12. Most common site for endometriosis
  13. Findings of ex-lap for endometriosis
    Blue masses
  14. Treatment of endometriosis
  15. Disorder with cervical motion tenderness, pain, fever, vaginal discharge
  16. Causes of PID
    Gonorrhea, Chlamydia
  17. STD with chancre, positive dark field microscopy
  18. Rupture of Graafian follicle causing abdominal pain
  19. Most common vaginal cancer
  20. Vaginal cancer caused by DES
    Clear cell
  21. Rhabdosarcoma that occurs in young girls
  22. Treatment of vulvar cancer
    WLE, inguinal node dissection (bilateral if >2cm) and postop XRT if margins close
  23. Estrogen secreting ovarian tumor causing precocious puberty
    Granulose-theca cell
  24. Androgen secreting ovarian tumor causing masculinization
    Sertoli-Leydig tumors
  25. Ovarian tumors with thyroid tissue
    Struma ovarii
  26. Beta HCG secreting ovarian tumors
  27. Worse type of ovarian cancer
    Clear cell type
  28. Initial site of regional spread in ovarian cancer
    Other ovary
  29. Treatment of ovarian cancer
    TAH BSO, chemotherapy
  30. Stomach cancer metastasis to ovary
    Krukenberg tumor
  31. Pelvic ovarian fibroma causing ascites and hydrothorax
    Meig�s syndrome
  32. Most common malignant tumor in female genital tract
  33. Risk factors for endometrial cancer
    Nulliparity, late 1st pregnancy, obestity, tamoxifen, unopposed estrogen
  34. First site of spread of cervical cancer
    Obturator nodes
  35. Virus associated with cervical cancer
    HPV (16 and 18)
  36. Most common cancer type of cervix
  37. Treatment of microscopic cervical cancer
    Cone biopsy
  38. Treatment of stage I-IIa cervical cancer (cervix-upper 2/3 vagina)
  39. Treatment of stage IIb-IV cervical cancer
  40. Characteristics of ovarian cysts requiring resection
    Septated, high vascular flow on doppler, solid components, papillary projections
  41. Incidental ovarian mass during laparotomy: what to do?
    Oophorectomy and frozen section (if postmenopausal), TAH if ovarian cancer
  42. Cause and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding in women <40
    Anovulation, and medroxyprogesterone
  43. Cause and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding in women >40
    Cancer or menopause, and biopsy
  44. Contraindications to estrogen therapy (4)
    Endometrial cancer, active thromboembolic disease, undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, breast cancer
  45. Complete mole of paternal origin, with an elevated malignancy risk
    Hydatidiform mole
  46. Treatment of ovarian torsion
    De-torse, check for viability
  47. Treatment of ruptured tubo-ovarian abscess
  48. Treatment of ovarian vein thrombosis
  49. Treatment of postpartum pelvic thrombophlebitis
    Heparin, antibiotics
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ABSITE ch 40 gynecology.txt
ABSITE ch 40 gynecology