medquiz 5.txt

  1. Hydrocodone/acetaminophen brand?
    Lortab, vicodin, norco
  2. Oxycodone brand?
  3. Tramadol brand?
  4. Celecoxib brand?
  5. Cyclobenzaprine brand?
  6. Methylprednisolone brand?
  7. Prednisone brand?
  8. Ibuprofen brand?
    Advil, Motrin IB
  9. Naporxen Sodium brand?
  10. Acetylsalicylic acid brand?
    Bayer aspirin
  11. Acetaminophen brand?
  12. Only capsule dosage form on this list
  13. Only extended release tablet on this list
  14. Vicodin, Lortab; Norco strength
    5/ 500 mg ; 5/325 mg
  15. Oxycontin strength
    10-160 mg
  16. Ultram strength
    50 mg
  17. Celebrex strength
    100 mg, 200 mg
  18. Flexeril strength
    5 mg, 10 mg
  19. Medrol strength
    4 mg
  20. Deltasone strength
    5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg
  21. Advil, motrin IB
    200 mg
  22. Aleve strength
    220 mg
  23. Bayer aspirin strength
    81 mg, 325 mg, 500 mg
  24. Tylenol strength
    325 mg, 500 mg
  25. Vicodin, lortab,norco dose and frequency
    1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours as needed ; MAX 4000 mg acetaminophen per day
  26. Oxycontin dose frequency
    10-160 tab twice daily
  27. Ultram dose frequency
    1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours ; max 400 mg/day
  28. Celebrex dose frequency
    one 200 mg capsule daily OR one 100 mg capsule twice daily ; Max 400 mg/day
  29. flexeril dose frequency
    1 tabs 3 times daily
  30. Medrol dose frequency
    4-48 mg daily ; dosepack has specific dosing
  31. deltasone dose frequency
    5-60 mg daily
  32. Advil dose frequency
    1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours as needed; MAX 6 tabs/daily
  33. Aleve d/f
    1-2 initially, then 1 tab every 8-12 hours; MAX 3 tabs/daily
  34. Bayer aspirin d/f
    1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours as needed OR 81-325 mg/day for heart attack and stroke prevention; max 4000 mg/day for pain, fever, inflammation
  35. Tylenol d/f
    1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours; max 4000 mg/day
  36. Lortab, Vicodin, norco indication and tips
    Moderate pain; constipation, drowsiness, avoid alcohol,take with food/milk, avoid other acetaminophen-containing medications, controlled C3
  37. Oxycontin indication and tips
    Moderate to severe pain; constipation, slows breathing, do not chew or crush, drowsiness, controlled c2
  38. Ultram indication and tips
    Moderate to severe pain; constipation, dizzinesss or drowsiness, nausea, avoid if history of seizures or head trauma
  39. Celebrex indication and tips
    Arthritis, pain; GI bleeding, avoid other NSAIDS, avoid alcohol, may cause stomach upset so take with food
  40. Flexeril indication and tips
    Muscle spasms; avoid alcohol, drowsiness
  41. Medrol indication and tips
    Treatment of many types of inflammation such as asthma and poison ivy; may cause upset stomach, may cause insomnia, take with food, finish entire course of medication
  42. Deltasone indication and tips
    Inflammatory conditions such as allergic reactions and asthma; take with food/milk, may cause insomnia, may cause upset stomach
  43. Advil, motrin IB indication and tips
    Pain, inflammation, fever; nausea, stomach bleeding, take with food
  44. Aleve ind and tips
    Pain, inflammation, fever; nausea, stomach bleeding, take with food
  45. Bayer aspiring ind and tips
    Pain,inflammation, fever, heart attack/stroke prevention; nausea, stomach bleeding, take with food, risk of reye�s syndrome, may cause ringing in ears with high doses, increased risk of bruising and bleeding
  46. Tylenol ind and tips
    Pain, fever; avoid alcohol, may cause nausea and vomiting, watch for APAP in OTC combo products
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medquiz 5.txt
medquiz 5