Cahn Chapter 4

  1. California's complex network of urban, suburban, and rural areas make up what is now the nation's most diverse population, representing hundreds of distinct cultures and communities.
    The Diversity "Jigsaw"
  2. Geography is playing an increasingly important role in cultural definition. California has been the most urbanized state in the nation since 1980. Percentages: 2000 - 94.4; 1950 - 80.7; 1900 - 52.3; 1860 - 20.7; 1850 - 7.4 This urbanization is split among classically urban cities - such as San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and San Diego - and growing suburban areas - such as Sonoma, Fresno, Orange, Riverside, and Ventura Counties.
  3. Ethnic differences, geography, and income
    Three Dimensions of Diversity
  4. Those born during the surge of births following World War II, between 1945 and 1964. The generation in power in most economic, political, and social institutions. And, like previous generations that have attained positions of influence, boomers have pursued political and economic agendas that maximize their generational interests. They have extraordinarily high levels of power because of (1) having come of age during a period of unprecedented economic growth, boomers have attained unprecedented wealth, and (2) the sheer number of boomers relative to the general population has given them a distorted sense of self-importance.
    Baby Boomers
  5. The most recent generation of Americans to come of age is only now beginning to develop a cohesive political identity. The children of the baby boomers, the so-called millennial (or dot-net) generation, can expect to earn less than their parents while facing significantly higher costs for housing and durable goods. In short, this post-boomer generation will absorb most of the costs while enjoying few of the benefits of America's postwar economic growth.
    Millennial Generation
  6. CCRI sought to dismantle the state's longstanding commitment to affirmative action. The law states the following: "The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. The initiative has stirred controversy because it targets equity programs that are largely responsible for giving traditionally underrepresented communities (e.g., women, blacks, Latinos, Asians) access to education, business, and the professions.
    California Civil Rights Initiative (Prop. 209)
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Cahn Chapter 4