Growth and Development Ch. 36, 37, 38, 39

  1. Infants:

    What happens to the birth weight at

    Each week?
    After 6 months?
    After a year?
    Increases 5-7oz


  2. Infants:

    What happens to the height each month?
    Increases by 1 inch
  3. Infants:

    Fine motor development milestones are achieved at what age?

    Grasping objects
    Transfer objects
    Pincer grasp
    Remove objects from container
    Build tower with 2 blocks
    G - 2-3 months

    T - 7 months

    P - 10 months

    R - 11 months

    B - 12 months
  4. Infants:

    Gross motor development milestones are achieved at what age?

    Head lag
    Partial head control
    Complete head control
    Rolling over
    Prone to sitting
    Lag - 1 month

    Partial - 2 months

    C - 4 months

    Roll - 5-6 months

    Sit - 7 months

    Prone - 10 months
  5. Infants:

    Gross motor development milestones are achieved at what age?

    Walk with assistance
    Walk alone
    Crawl - 6-7 months

    Creep - 9 months

    Assist - 11 months

    Alone - 12 months
  6. Infants:

    Psychosocial development stage?
    Trust vs Mistrust
  7. Infants:

    Cognitive development stage?
  8. Infants:

    Social development milestones are achieved at what age?

    Separation anxiety
    Stranger fear
    Anx - 4-8 months

    Fear - 6-8 months
  9. Infants:

    What is the most common injury with this age group?
    Chocking on objects
  10. Toddlers:

    Weight gain is increasing or decreasing each year?
    How much weight is gained each year?

  11. Toddlers:

    At what age should the weight be quadrupled?
    2 1/2 years
  12. Toddlers:

    How many inches each year does the toddler grow?
    3 inches
  13. Toddlers:

    What is bigger the head or chest circumfrence?
    Chest circumfrence
  14. Toddlers:

    They are more susceptible to what health issues?
    • Upper respiratory infections
    • OM
    • Tonsillitis
  15. Toddlers:

    Gross development milestones are achieved at what age?

    Jump with both feet
    Stand on one foot & tiptoe
    Stairs - 2y/o

    Jump - 2.5y/o

    Stand - 3y/o
  16. Toddlers:

    Fine development milestones are achieved at what age?

    Manual dexterity
    Throw ball
    M - 12-15 months

    Throw - 18 months
  17. Toddlers:

    Psychosocial development stage?
    Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt
  18. Toddlers:

    Cognitive development stage?
    What is going on?
    Sensorimotor and preoperational

    • They think in terms of their own perception
    • **Aware of causal relationships
  19. Toddlers:

    What is going on in their social development?
    • Separation
    • Individual
    • Independent
  20. Toddlers:

    How many word sentences?
    • 1y/o - 1 word
    • 2y/o - 2 words
    • 3y/o - 3 words
  21. Toddlers:

    What kind of play is used?
    • Parallel
    • Tactile
  22. Infants:

    What kind of play is used?
  23. Toddlers:

    What are the coping concerns?
    • Toilet training
    • Sibling rivalry
    • Temper tantrums
  24. Toddlers:

    What do you assess for in readiness for toilet training?
    • Voluntary sphincter control
    • Stay dry for 2 hours
    • Ability to remove clothes
    • Curiosity about toilet habits
  25. Toddlers:

    What is the most common injury?
    Motor vehicle crashes
  26. Preschool:

    What is the most signicant lifestyle change?
    Going to school
  27. Preschool:

    What is the average weight gain each year?
    What is the average height increases each year?

  28. Preschool:

    What gross motor development is achieved?
    • Walking
    • Running
    • Climbing
    • Jumping well
  29. Preschool:

    What fine motor development is achieved?
    • Drawing
    • Artwork
  30. Preschool:

    Psychosocial development stage?
    Initiative vs Guilt

    **Learning right from wrong
  31. Preschool:

    Cognitive development stage?
    What is going on?

    • Shifts from egocentric to social awareness
    • Uses magical thinking
    • Concept of time is not understood
  32. Preschool:

    What is going on in their social developments?
    • Overcome stranger fear and anxiety
    • Overcome parent separation
    • Use play therapies to work through fear and anxiety
  33. Preschool:

    When does their vocabulary and complexity of language increase?
    Ages 2-5
  34. Preschool:

    What kind of play types do they engage in?
    • Associative
    • Imitative
    • Imaginative
    • Dramatic
  35. Preschool:

    What kind of fears do they deal with?
    • Dark
    • Being alone
    • Animals
    • Ghosts
    • Objects/people associated with pain
  36. Preschool:

    What is the most important injury prevention?
    Safety education
  37. School Age:

    What is the average weight increase?
    What is the average height increase?
    2 kilos

    2 inches
  38. School Age:

    What is the important thing to know about their physical maturity in relation to their social maturity?
    They do not correlate

    **Just becuase they look more mature does not mean that they are
  39. School Age:

    What ages does puberty usually begin with girls vs boys?
    • Girls - 10y/o
    • Boys - 12y/o
  40. School Age:

    Psychosocial development stage?
    Industry vs Inferiority

    **Feel motivated vs feeling inadequate
  41. School Age:

    Cognitive development stage?
    What is going on?
    Concrete Operational

    • Use thought processes to experience events
    • Make judgments based on reasoning
    • Understands conservation
  42. School Age:

    What is going on with their social development?
    • Peer group importance
    • Gain more independence from parents
    • Parents influence personality
  43. School Age:

    What kind play types are used?
    Team play
  44. School Age:

    What is the most common injury?
    Motor vehicle accidents
  45. School Age:

    What kind of health issues are of concern?
    • Turner Syndrome
    • Klinefelter Syndrome
    • ADD
    • Enuresis
    • School phobia
    • Depression
    • Schizophrenia
Card Set
Growth and Development Ch. 36, 37, 38, 39