1. A subject pronoun replaces the _____ or ______ of a person or thing and ascts as the subject verb.
    • Name
    • Title
  2. In both Spanish and English subject pronouns are divided into three groups __________ person, __________ person and ______ person.
    • First
    • Second
    • Third
  3. (FP) I
  4. (FP) We (Masc)
  5. (FP) We (Fem)
  6. (SP) You (familiar)
  7. (SP) you (formal)
    usted (Ud.)
  8. (SP) you (masc., fam)
  9. (SP) You (form)
    ustedes (Uds.)
  10. (SP) You (fem., fam)
  11. (TP) he
  12. (TP) She
  13. (TP) They (masc)
  14. (TP) They (fem)
  15. Spanish has two subject pronouns that mean you (sing).
    ____ when addressing a friend
    ____ when addressing somone who is a little more formal
    • usted
  16. Tú eres de Canadá, ¿verdad David?
    You are from Canada, right David?
  17. ¿Usted es la profesora de español?
    Are you the Spanish professor?
  18. The masculine plural forms ___________, _________ and ________ refer to a group do males or a group of males and females.
    • nosotros
    • vosotros
    • ellos
  19. The feminine plural forms _________, __________ and _________ can refer only to groups made up exclusivley of females.
    • nosotras
    • vosotras
    • ellas
  20. There is no Spanish equivalent of the English subject pronoun "it". Generally is is not expressed in Spanish.
    However __ ___ problema. ___ ___ computadora
    • Es un problema = It's a problem
    • Es una computadora = It's a computer
  21. The Verb (to be) Ser is an irregular verb, which means its forms don't follow the regular patterns that verbs follow. You need to memorize the forms.
  22. The verb (to be)

    Singular form - I am
    yo soy
  23. The verb (to be)
    The singular form - you are (fam)
  24. The verb (to be)

    Singular form - you are (form.); he/she is
    Ud./él/ella es
  25. The verb (to be)

    Plural form - we are
    nosotros/as somos
  26. The verb (to be)

    Plural form - you are (fam.)
    vosotros/as sois
  27. The verb (to be)

    Plural - you are (form.); they are
    Uds./ellos/ellas son
  28. ¿Quién es él?

    - Es Javier Gómez Lozano.
    Who is he?

    - He's Javier Gómez Lozano.
  29. ¿Qué es?

    - Es un mapa de España.
    What is it?

    - It's a map of Spain.
  30. Ser also expresses possession with the preposition de.

    ¿ De quién es?

    - Whose is it?
    • - Es el diario de Maited.
    • It's Maite's diary.
  31. ¿ De quiénes son?

    - Whose are they?
    So lápices de la chica.

    They are the girl's pencils.
  32. When de is followed by the article el, the two combine to form del.
    De does not contract with la, las, or los.

    Es la computadora del conductor.
    Son las maletas del chico.
    It's the drivers computer.

    They are the boy's suitcases.
Card Set
Present tense of SER and its uses