Lymphatic System

  1. What are the functions of the lymphatic system?
    • Route excess interstitial fluid to return to the blood
    • Allow travel, communication, and proliferation of immune system cell
  2. What are the components of the lymphatic system
    • Bone Marrow
    • Thymus
    • Spleen
    • Lymph Nodes
    • Lymphatic Nodules
    • Diffuse Lymphatic Tissue
  3. What two systems do lymphatic vessels connect?
    parts of the lymphatic system to the blood vascular system
  4. True/False
    1. Innate Immunity has been around for 1 billion years
    2. Innate Immunity is a post-existing defense system consisting of physicals barriers, chemical defenses, various secretory substances that neuralize foreign cells, and phagocytic cells
    3. Adaptive Immunity has been around as long as innate immunity
    4. Adaptive Immunity is a specific defense system that targets invaders that have evaded the innate immune system
    5. Innate Immunity has two types of responses; Humoral and Cellular
    6. The humoral response targets transformed cells
    7. The cellular immune response targets transformed cells and bacteria for destruction by specific killer cells
    • 1. True
    • 2. False; it is a pre-existing response
    • 3. False; only been around 400 million years
    • 4. True
    • 5. False; Adaptive Immunity has these two
    • 6. False; the cellular immune response targets transformed and virus-infected cells for destruction by specific killer cells
    • 7. False; the cellular immune response targets transformed and virus-infected cells for destruction by specific killer cells
  5. Match the following details with the correct type of lymphatic cells (T or B)
    1. Comprise 20-30% of circulating lymphocytes
    2. Responsible for cell-mediated immunity
    3. Mature in the thymus
    4. Types include Helper(CD4+), Cytotoxic (CD8+), and Regulatory (CD4+, CD25+)
    5. Comprise 60-80% of circulating lymphocytes
    6. Named for bursa of Fabricius (bone marrow, GALT)
    7. Responsible for humoral response
    • 1. B Cells
    • 2. T Cells
    • 3. T Cells
    • 4. T Cells
    • 5. T Cells
    • 6. B Cells
    • 7. B Cells
  6. What two types of cells differentiate from B cells
    • Plasma cells
    • Memory cells
  7. What is the function of plasma cells
    synthesize specific antibody
  8. What is the function of memory cells
    respond to next exposure
  9. What are the organs of the lymphatic system
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Lymphatic System