principles of mech vent

  1. vd/vt formula
    • paco2 - peco2 / paco2
    • less than 60% shows normal function
  2. ventilation in excess of perfussion
    • dead space ventilation
    • anatomic
    • alveolar
    • physiologic
  3. normal range for dynamic compliance
    30-40 ml/cmh20
  4. normal range static compliance
    40-60 ml/cmh20
  5. upward shift in p-v loop
    high compliance

    • wont see enough
    • emphysema pt cause of blebs not enough recoil
  6. downward shift in p-v loop
    low compliance
  7. 3 conditions showing low dynamic comp
    • bronchospasm
    • kinking of ett
    • airway obstruction
  8. measure elastic resistance of airway lung and chest wall
    dynamic compliance
  9. 3 conditions showing low static compliance
    • ards
    • atelectasis
    • tension pneumothorax
  10. measure elastic resistance of chest wall and lungs
    static compliance
  11. tubing volume formula
    change Pressure x .3 ml/cmh20
  12. dynamic compliance formula
    vt/ (peak-peep)
  13. measure the pressure in the pt's lungs W/ AIR FLOW
    dynamic compliance
  14. static compliance formula
    vt/ (ppl - peep)
  15. measureing the stretchyness of pt's lung W/OUT AIR FLOW
    static compliance
  16. how stretchy or stiff your lungs are
    lung compliance

    volume change per unit of pressure change
  17. bowing could occor on
    either side or both
  18. resistance can be seen on
    p-v loop
  19. pressure volume loop: if u see increase resistance =
    • increase bowing of the loop
    • -bowing exp (bronchospasms)
  20. flow obstruction of the airways
    airway resistance
  21. normal resistance range @ a flow of 30 lpm
    .6 - 2.4 cmh20/l/sec
  22. 4 factors influencing resistance
    • airway
    • tube
    • circuit
    • lungs
  23. if you cut the length of tube, you cut
  24. RAW - resistance formula
    raw= change pressure/flow

    change in pressure = (pip - ppl)
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principles of mech vent
exam 2