
  1. Emergency Descent Procedure
    • 1) cruise checklist - complete
    • cowl flaps - closed
    • carb heat - cycle
    • 2) clearing turns
    • 3) radio call
    • 4) sim emergency
    • 5) bank a/c - 45 deg bank
    • 6) throttles - idle
    • 7) props - full fwd
    • 8) gear down
    • 9) a/s 125 kts
    • Recovery
    • 1) level flight
    • 2) gear retract
    • 3) throttles -18"
    • 4) props - 2300 RPM
    • 5) cruise checklist
  2. Electrical fire in flight
    • 1) @ night - Flashlight locate
    • 2) battery master - off
    • 3) alternator switches - off
    • 4) all electrical switches - off
    • 5) radio master - off
    • 6) vents - closed
    • 7) cabin heat - off
  3. Spin Recovery
    • 1) throttles - idle
    • 2) rudder - full opposite
    • 3) control wheel - full fwd
    • 4) ailerons - neutralize
    • 5) rudder - neutralize
    • 6) control wheel - smooth back pressure
  4. Engine fire in flight
    • 1) fuel selector - off
    • 2) throttle - idle
    • 3) mixture - cut off
    • 4) cowl flaps - open
    • 5) prop - feather
    • 6) complete engine securing checklist
    • 7) airspeed increase
    • 8) land
  5. Engine fire during start
    • If engine has not started
    • 1) mixture - cut off
    • 2) throttle - full open
    • 3) starter - continue cranking
    • If fire continues
    • 4) fuel selector - off
    • 5) fuel pumps - off
    • 6) mixtures - cut off
    • 7) throttles - open
    • 8) external extinguisher - use
    • 9) evacuate a/c
  6. Single engine take off
    (after rotation / after gear retraction)
    • 1) lower the nose to 88 kts
    • 2) maintain heading
    • 3) identify
    • 4) verify
    • 5) feather
    • 6) turn x-wind 200 to 100 ft prior to TPA
    • 7) no bank angles beyond 20 deg
    • 8) wait to extend gear on downwind
    • 9) maintain 90 kts
    • 10) 2nd notch of flaps = landing commited
    • 11) 3rd notch of flaps & 75 kts on short final
  7. Single engine go around
    • Avoid
    • mixture - rich
    • prop - fwd
    • throttle - fwd
    • flaps - retract fully
    • gear - up
    • A/S - 88 kts
    • trim - set
    • cowl flaps - good engine open
  8. Engine failure at altitude
    • 1) maintain a/s & directional control
    • 2) five ups (props, mix, throttle, flaps, gear)
    • 3) identify, verify, feather
    • 4) MFD & engine page
    • 5) visually check engine
    • 6) flow - bump throttles
    • fuel selector - xfeed
    • trim - set
    • carb heat - cycle
    • fuel pumps - on
    • mags - both
    • gauges - check
    • 7) secure engine checklist
    • 8) save good engine (cowl flaps / power)
    • Recovery
    • 1) warm up engine (15" & 2300)
    • 2) cruise checklist
  9. Securing Inop Engine checklist
    • 8) climb speed - 88 kts
    • 9) trim - adjust 2 to 3 deg bank & 1/2 ball
    • Inop Engine
    • 10) cowl flap - close
    • 11) alt switch - off
    • 12) mag switch - off
    • 13) fuel pumps - off
    • 14) fuel selector - off
    • 15) land
Card Set
Emergency Procedures