
  1. what are the two methods of examination?
    • direct observation
    • palpation
  2. what are the four types of palpation?
    • digital
    • bidigital
    • bimanual
    • bilateral
  3. use of a single finger (example: index finger applied to inner border of mandible beneath the canine-premolar area to determine the presence of a torus mandibularis)
  4. use of finger and thumb of the same hand (example: palpation of the lips)
  5. use of finger or fingers and thumb from each hand applied simultaneously in coordination. (example: index finger of one hand palpates on the floor of mouth inside, while a finger or fingers from the other hand pres on the same area from under the chin externally)
  6. two hands are used at the same time to examine corresponding structures on opposite sides of the body. comparisons may be made. (example: fingers placed beneath the chin to palpate the submandibular lymph nodes)
  7. what are six things you look for during observation of the patient?
    • posture
    • gait
    • general health status
    • hair
    • breathing
    • voice
  8. what are some things to look for when looking at the patients skin?
    • color, texture, blemishes
    • traumatic lesion, bruises
    • eruption, swellings, growths
  9. whites of the eyes
  10. what do you look for when looking at the pupil
  11. flap of tissue anterior to ear canal
  12. inner border of ear
  13. inflammation of lymph nodes
  14. what are some causes of lymphadenopathy
    • infection
    • viral infection
    • bacterial infection
    • cancer
  15. what is it called when the cancer goes from the lymph nodes to another part of the body?
  16. how many lymph nodes are in the body?
  17. how many lymph nodes are in the neck?
  18. what are three glads that are palpated?
    • parotid glands
    • submandibular glands
    • sublingual glands
  19. what are four potential problems with salivary glands
    • obstruction of flow
    • inflammation
    • infection
    • tumors
  20. the thyroid glad is an _____ gland and is _____ shaped
    • endocrine
    • bowtie
  21. two types of disorders associated with the thyroid are?
    • hyperthyroidism-enlarged
    • hypothyroidism -too small
  22. The TMJ is a ______ joint that connects the ____ to the _____bone
    • complicated
    • mandible
    • temporal
  23. piece of cartilage that keeps the skull and mandible from rubbing against each other
    articular disc
  24. what methods are used to examine the TMJ
    • inspection
    • palpation
  25. _____ motions are the correct way to palpate and ____ fingers is incorrect
    • circular
    • dancing
  26. when palpating healthy structures _____ is anything detectable
  27. what are you palpating for?
    • shape
    • consistency
    • mobility
    • tenderness
  28. what are the normal findings for lymph nodes of the head and neck
    • lymph noes not detectable
    • no tenderness
  29. where are the occipital nodes located?
    base of skull
  30. where are the posterior auricular lymph nodes located
    behind the ear
  31. what are notable findings of the salivary glands?
    • swollen or enlarged
    • firm, hard consistency
    • tender
  32. on the boards if there is popping and clicking when is it notable?
    if it is painful
  33. in the clinic if there is popping and clicking when is it notable?
    always note it
  34. a ____ and _____ exam could save a patients life
    head and neck exam
  35. the cervical lymph nodes lie above, beneath and posterior to the ______ muscle
  36. ____ ____ play an important part in body's defencse against infection
    lymph nodes
  37. how many lymph nodes are located in the neck?
  38. what is the medical term for an enlarged lymph node?
  39. which of the following structures is usually not assessed during the head and neck examination?

    B. ear drum
  40. what is the largest salivary gland?
    parotid gland
  41. the thyroid gland secretes hormones that?
    control the body's metabolic rate
  42. what are six things that can be described when a patient has a lesion?
    • diagram
    • localized
    • generalized
    • single lesion
    • multiple lesions
    • coalescing
    • size
    • shape
  43. how do you measure the size of a lesion?
    use probe
Card Set
ch.10 and mod 9 extraoral exam