AP US History Ch 14

  1. Who srote this in 1844: "Europe stretches to the Alleghenies; America lies beyond.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. Who wrote the lecture-essay "Self-Reliance"?
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3. "Kentucky Bluegrass"
    The European bluegrass that thrived in burned canefields and provided good pasture for livestock.
  4. "Rendevous" system
    Method by which the fur trade occurred: traders went out from St. Louis to a Rocky Mountain Valley and made camp to wait for Indians and trappers to arrive with goods to trade.
  5. George Caitlyn
    Painter and student of Native American Life; among the first Americans to advocate the preservation of nature as a deliberate national poicy. He proposed the creation of a national park, and his plan came to fruition with Yellowstone Park in 1872.
  6. Disastrous problem that resulted in one fourth of Ireland's people dying of starvation or disease.
    rot attacking the potato crop
  7. "Molly Maguires"
    A shadowy Irish miners' union that rocked the Pennsylvania coal districts in the 1860s and 1870s.
  8. "twisting the British lion's tail"
    The act of vulgarly insulting the British to win the Irish immigrants over politically.
  9. Carl Schurz
    A zealous German liberal who fought against slavery and public corruption
  10. Conestoga wagon, Kenducky rifle, beer, and Christmas tree; also promoted Kindergarten and art and music.
    German contributions to American culture
  11. "Continental Sunday"
    The German tradition of making merry and drinking on the Sabbath.
  12. Star-Spangled banner party
    later called the American, or "Know-Nothing Party", it wanted rigid restrictions on immigration and naturalization. Promoted fictional literature about accounts against the Catholic Church.
  13. The City of Brotherly Love
  14. Samuel Slater
    "Father of the Factory System"; he was a skilled British mechanic who memorized machine plans and escaped from Britain to America to create the first efficient American machinery for spinning thread.
  15. Eli Whitney
    Having been told that the South was suffering because of the difficulty of picking cotton by hand, he built, in ten days, the cotton gin; this was fifty times more effective. When he couldn't monopolize this, he turned to developing a method for the mass production of muskets.
  16. Elias Howe
    Invented the sewing machine in 1846, which boosted the clothing industry
  17. Isaac Singer
    perfected the sewing machine
  18. Samuel F. B. Morse
    Invented the telegraph (and Morse Code) in 1844, revolutionizing American communtication
  19. limited liability
    The business principle that limited an individual investor to risk no more than his own share of the corporation's stock in cases of legal claims or bankruptcy.
  20. Commonwealth v. Hunt
    Massachusetts supreme court case that ruled that labor unions were not illegal conspiracies, provided that their methods were "honorable and peaceful".
  21. Catrharine Breecher
    Unmarried daughter of a famous preacher and sister of Harriet Beecher Stow, she urged women to take up teaching.
  22. John Deere of Illinoise
    Invented the steel plow in 1837
  23. Cyrus McCormick of VIrginia
    Invented a mechanical mower-reaper, allowing a single man to do the harvesting that five men had done with sickles and scythes.
  24. Lancaster Turnpike
    In Pennsylvania, a hard-surfaced road stretching from Philadelphia to Lancaster. Very successful. (1790's)
  25. National Road or Cumberland Road
    Started in 1811 and finished in 1852, it stretched from Cumberland, Maryland, to Vandalia, Illinois.
  26. Robert Fulton
    Created the first steamboat, the Clermont, in 1807.
  27. Governor DeWitt Clinton
    Governor of New York that led the Erie Canal project, which was started in 1817 and ended in 1825.
  28. Erie Canal
    Finished in 1825; stretched 363 miles, connecting the Great Lakes to the HudsonRiver.
  29. Cyrus Field
    Called "the greatest wire puller in history," in 1858 he stretched a cable under the Atlantic connecting Newfoundland to Ireland.
  30. Pony Express
    Established in 1860 to carry mail quickly accross the two thousand miles between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California.
  31. John Jacob Astor
    Fur-trader and real estate speculator who died with a $30 million estate.
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AP US History Ch 14
Forging the National Economy