
  1. What are the objectives of an oral examination?
    • (DISCO ID CC)
    • Documentation
    • Initial lesions
    • Screening
    • Cancer detection
    • Observe Overall pt

    Identify Deviations from normal

    • Communicable diseases
    • means of Comparison
  2. What do you do to prepare for an extraoral exam?
    • (HREA)
    • review pts Health History
    • examine Radiographs
    • Explain the procedures to the pt
    • make sure you have Access to the pt, they are ok with you performing the exam
  3. Looking directly at the patient to see if they are having any pain
    direct observation
  4. What conditions must be present for Direct observation?
    • patient is seated up (for us at this time)
    • light must be in proper position
    • effective retraction for accessibility and visibility
    • mus be accurate and thorough in direct observation
  5. use of a single finger
  6. example of digital palpation?
    index finger applied to inner border of the mandible beneath the canine - premolar area to determine the presence of a torus mandibularis
  7. use of a finger and thumb of the same hand
  8. example of bidigital palpation?
    palpation of the lips
  9. use of finger, or fingers and thumb from each hand applied simultaneously in coordination.
  10. example of bimanual palpation?
    index finger of one hand palpates on the floor of the mouth inside, while a finger, or fingers from the other hand press on the same area from under the chin externally
  11. the two hands are used at the same time to examine corresponding structures on opposite sides of the body.
  12. example of bilateral palpation?
    fingers placed beneath the chin to palpate the submandibular lymph nodes
  13. What are the advantages of following a routine order for examination?
    • minimal possibility of overlooking an area and missing details of importance
    • increased efficiency and conservation of time
    • maintenance of a professional atmosphere, which inspires the pts confidence
  14. When do you observe the overall appraisal of a patient?
    during reception
  15. What features do you observe during appraisal of the patient?
    • posutre
    • gait
    • general health status
    • hair
    • breathing
    • voice
  16. Why would the gait (how the pt walks) of a pt be an important observation?
    because if the patient has had joint replacements they may need to be premedicated
  17. What should you observe about a patients face upon recieving them?
    • Expression
    • shape
    • jaw movement
    • skin
    • landmarks of:
    • eyes
    • ears
    • nose
  18. facial expression observation?
    see if the patient is scared, stressed, or anxios
  19. face shape examination?
    observe to see if the face is symmetrical, if there is any swelling etc.
  20. jaw movement observation?
    check to see if they look normal and comfortable in opening, closing, and moving their jaw
  21. Term for whites of the eye?
    What should we observe of this?
    • sclera
    • color:
    • yellow could indicate jaundice
    • red could indicate drug use
  22. What should we observe of the pupil?
    • size:
    • if eyes are dialated in a bright room, it could indicate drug use, medication, or that they are not recieving enough oxygen
  23. What should we observe about the lateral and medial canthus of the eyes?
    make sure there is no scabbing
  24. True or False. We should offer safety glasses to a patient who has regular eye glasses?
  25. What might protruding eyeballs mean?
  26. true or false. We should wear gloves during the extra oral exam, and change them after?
  27. Landmarks of the ear?
    • ear lobe
    • entrance to ear canal
    • tragus
    • helix
    • antihelix
  28. flap of tissue anterior to ear canal
  29. inner border of ear
  30. Landmarks of the nose?
    • bridge
    • tip
    • anterior naris
    • vestibule
    • ala nasi
  31. nostril opening
    anterior naris
  32. inside of nostril
  33. tissue that borders nostril
    ala nasi
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