Drug Stems, etc.

  1. cef-
  2. -olol
    Beta blockers
  3. -mycin
    Macrolide antibiotics
  4. -azepam
  5. -caine
    Local anesthetics
  6. -cillin
  7. -oxacin
    Quinolone antibiotics
  8. -pril
    ACE inhibitors
  9. -statin
    Cholesterol lowering agents
  10. -sartan
    Angiotensin II receptor antagonists
  11. -sulfa
    Sulfonamide antibiotics
  12. Site of action
    the place where the drug produces an effect
  13. Sympathomimetics
    mimic epinephrine
  14. Parasympathomimetics
    mimic acetylcholine
  15. Sympatholytics
    block epinephrine
  16. Parasympatholytics
    block acetylcholine
  17. neurolytics
    block nerve transmission
  18. Antihistamines
    block the H-1 receptors
  19. First generation antihistamines
    - Diphenhydramine

    - Brompheniramine

    - Chlorpheniramine

    (More anticholinergic effects and drowsiness)
  20. Second generation antihistamines
    - Fexofenadine

    - Loratadine

    - Cetirizine

    (Less anticholinergic effects and drowsiness)
  21. anticonvulsant (antiepileptic) drug
    Decrease seizure frequency by reducing the excitability of the brain's neurons

    • - Phenytoin
    • - Carbamazepine
    • - Valproic acid
    • - Lamotrigine
    • - Gabapentin
  22. Gout
    Disorder characterized by hyperuricemia

    - abnormal concentration of uric acid in the blood

    - Body fluids become supersaturated with uric acid and urate crystals accumulate in the tissues and joints
  23. Allopurinol (Gout treatment)
    Decrease uric acid production
  24. Probenecid (Gout treatment)
    Increase uric acid excretion
  25. Colchicine (Gout treatment)
    Inhibit inflammation
  26. Definitive therapy (Infection treatment)
    when the organism has been identified
  27. Preventative therapy (Infection treatment)
    pre-op, pre-travel
  28. Bactericidal
    Kills bacteria
  29. Bacteriostatic
    Retards bacterial growth
  30. 1st generation Cephalosporins
    Cefadroxil, Cephalexin
  31. 2nd generation Cephalosporins
    Cefaclor, Cefuroxime
  32. 3rd generation Cephalosporins
    Cefdinir, Ceftibuten
  33. Macrolides


  34. Psychotropic agents
    Drugs that affect behavior, psychotic state, and sleep
  35. Three categories of Psychotropic agents
    - Antidepressants

    - Antipsychotics

    - Sedative-hypnotics
  36. Depression
    Loss of interest in daily life, insomnia, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness
  37. SSRI's
    - Sertraline

    - Paroxetine

    - Fluvoxamine

    - Citalopram
  38. Hypothyroidism
    an underproduction of thyroid hormone

    - Treatment: thyroid hormone, Levothyroxine
  39. Oral contraceptives
    - Work mainly by inhibiting ovulation

    - Combination of estrogen and progestin
  40. Three types of combination oral contraceptives
    - Monophasic

    - Biphasic

    - Triphasic
  41. Monophasic
    Ortho-Novum 1/35:

    21 Peach tabs

    - 35 mcg ethinyl estradiol

    - 1 mg norethindrone

    7 Green tabs

    - Inert

    (also: Necon 1/35, Norinyl 1+35)
  42. Biphasic
    Ortho-Novum 10/11:

    10 White tabs

    - 0.5 mg norethindrone

    - 35 mcg ethinyl estradiol

    11 Peach tabs

    - 1 mg norethindrone

    - 35 mcg ethinyl estradiol

    7 Green tabs

    - Inert

    (also: Necon 10/11)
  43. Triphasic
    Ortho Tri-Cyclen:

    7 White tabs

    - 0.18 mg norgestimate

    - 35 mcg ethinyl estradiol

    7 Light blue tabs

    - 0.215 mg norgestimate

    - 35 mcg ethinyl estradiol

    7 Blue tabs

    - 0.25 mg norgestimate

    - 35 mcg ethinyl estradiol

    7 Green tabs

    - Inert

    (also: TriNessa)
  44. Osteoporosis
    A disorder in which bone mass is reduced resulting in bone weakness and fractures
  45. Bisphosphonates (Osteoporosis treatment)
    Inhibit bone resorption by osteoclasts

    - Etidronate

    - Alendronate

    - Risedronate
  46. Diabetes
    Common disorder that is characterized by hyperglycemia due to the body's inability to use glucose effectively and/or by insulin deficiency

    Type 1: Insulin deficiency due to destruction of pancreatic beta cells

    Type 2: Insulin resistance resulting in decreased glucose uptake in the cell; decrease in insulin production
  47. Sulfonylureas (Type 2 diabetes treatment)
    Blood glucose lowering agents

    - Glyburide

    - Glipizide
  48. Biguanides (Type 2 Diabetes treatment)
    Blood glucose lowering agents

    - Metformin
  49. Thiazolindinediones (TZD's) (Type 2 Diabetes treatment)
    Blood glucose lowering agents

    - Pioglitazone

    - Rosiglitazone
  50. Hypertension
    A disorder characterized by an elevation of blood pressure above a normal range of 120/80 (systolic/diastolic)
  51. JNC-7 (guidelines)
    The seventh report of the Joint National Committee on the prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure

    Normal: <120/and<80

    Pre-HTN: (120-139)/(80-89)

    Stage 1 HTN: (140-159)/(90-99)

    Stage 2 HTN: >160/or≥100
  52. Diuretics (HTN treatment)
    - Hydrochlorothiazide

    - Furosemide
  53. Beta blockers (BB) (HTN treatment)
    - Atenolol (Tenormin)

    - Metoprolol (Lopressor)

    - Nadolol (Corgard)
  54. ACE inhibitors (ACEI) (HTN treatment)
    ACEI= Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors:

    - Benzapril

    - Enalapril

    - Quinapril
  55. Angiotensin II antagonists (HTN treatment)
    AKA: Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB):

    - Losartan

    - Olmesartan
  56. Calcium Channel blockers (CCB) (HTN treatment)
    - Diltiazem

    - Verapamil

    - Amlodipine

    - Nifedipine
  57. Hyperlipidemia (AKA "high cholesterol")
    Disorder characterized by an excess of lipids in the blood

    Known to cause atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries)
  58. HMG-CoA Reductase inhibitors (Hyperlipidemia treatment)
    Block the enzyme (HMG-CoA) used in the synthesis of cholesterol; thereby preventing cholesterol from being synthesized

    • "statins"
    • - Lovastatin

    - Fluvastatin

    - Atorvastatin

    - Pravastatin

    - Simvastatin
  59. NSAIDS
    Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

    To relieve mild to moderate pain, reduce fever and treat inflammation

    - Ibuprofen

    - Ketoprofen

    - Naproxen
Card Set
Drug Stems, etc.
Drug Stems, etc.