
  1. with size 2 film ____ anterior film placements are used with paralleling
  2. what is being tested in a calibration test for kVp and mA?
    xray machine
  3. what is a film screen contact test for?
    cassette holder for extraoral films
  4. if the coin appears on the film after being processed what does that mean?
    the safelight is not safe
  5. what are the results of the automatic processing test if everything is working right?
    • unexposed film will be clear and dry
    • film exposed to light will be black and dry
  6. a reference radiograph is compared with daily radiographs to match what?
  7. when doing a clearing test for the fixer it will clear the film in ___minutes if it is good chemical strength
    2 minutes
  8. what is the xray taken to examine the whole tooth?
  9. what does a CMRS/FMX show?
    all dentulous and edentulous portions of the upper and lower jaw
  10. a PA should be ___ to ___mm beyond root apices
    2.0 to 3.0 mm
  11. the film should be _____ to the long axis of the tooth and the beam should be _____ to film
    • parallel
    • perpendicular
  12. what can be used for a shallow palate
    two cotton rolls and vertical angulation increase but no more than 20 degrees
  13. where should the film be placed when a patient has a tori
    on the far side of the tori
  14. how do you correct a film where the apices are not present?
    make sure film is no more than 1/8 inch beyond the incisal/occlusal surface
  15. what is the cause for an overlapped contact?
    incorrect horizontal angulation
  16. what is the cause of long distorted teeth?
    vertical angulation is incorrect
  17. what causes a double exposure?
    exposed film in patients mouth twice
  18. what will be seen if the film is exposed reversed?
    herringbone pattern
  19. what is the benefit of paralleling vs bisecting?
    paralleling has decreased distortion
  20. For x-ray timers calibrated impulses how many impulses are there in one sec?
Card Set
quiz 2