Digestive system-8

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    stomach gastric gland
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    stomach gastric gland
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    stomach gastric pit
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    stomach gastric pit
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    stomach gastric pit
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    stomach goblet cell
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    stomach lamina propria
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    stomach mucosa
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    stomach muscularis mucosa
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    stomach muscularis
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    stomach muscularis
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    stomach serosa
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    stomach simple columnar epithelium
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    stomach simple columnar epithelium
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    stomach submucosa
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    stomach submucosa
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    stomach lamina propria
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    stomach gastric gland
  24. what is protease?
    enzyme that breaks down protien into peptides and amino acid
  25. peptidase?
    enzyme that splits peptide bonds, releasing amino acid
  26. chyme?
    semifld, acidic mixture of part digest food and digest secretions formed in stomach
  27. emulsification?
    physical breakup of fats in digest tract forming small droplets accessible to digestive enzymes
  28. proenzyme
    inactive enzyme
  29. mucins
    glycoprotiens for lubrication
  30. where are parotid glands and sublingual glands located?
    • parotid gland front of ear
    • sublingual gland below floor of mouth
  31. purpose of lower esophageal sphincter?
    prevent back up of stomach content
  32. what destroys most microorganisms that enter the stomach and why?
    hydrochloric acid destroys microorganisms because of pH 1-2
  33. what forms common bile duct?
    hepatic duct and cystic duct
  34. what is alkaline tide?
    sudden influx of bicarbonate ions in blood. they are released from parietal cells that diffuse through interstitual fld to blood stream. when gastric glands secrete, bicarbonate enter blood stream to change pH of blood.
  35. structures associate w/ sm intestine?
    • liver
    • gallbladder
    • pancreas
  36. organs of digestive system?
    • oral cavity
    • pharynx
    • esophagus
    • stomach
    • sm intestine
    • lg intestine
  37. accessory organs of digestive system?
    • teeth
    • toungue
    • salivary glands
    • liver
    • pancreas
    • gallbladder
  38. hormones of digestive system and function?
    • 1) cholecystokinin (CCK) -pancreas for enzymes, gallbladder for contraction, duodenum for relax of hepatopancreatic sphincter, stomach for inhibit secretion and motion, CNS for reduction of hunger.
    • 2) Enterocrinin- duodenal gland for alkaline mucus production
    • 3) Gastrin- stomach for acid and enzyme production and increase motility
    • 4) Gastric Inhibitory Peptide- pancreas for release insulin, stomach for inhibit secretion and motility, adipose tissue for lipid synthesis, skeletal muscle for glucose use
    • 5) Secretin- pancreas for alkaline buffer, stomach for inhibit secretion and motility, liver for bile secretion
    • 6) Vasoactive intestinal Peptide (VIP)- duodenum for buffer secretion, intestinal capillary dilation, stomach for inhibit acid production
  39. what specific things trigger digestive hormones? (specific for each hormone)
    • Cholecystokinin (CCK)- lipid and protien arrival from stomach content
    • Enterocrinin- arrival of stomach content in duodenum
    • Gastrin- large amt of undigest protien in stomach content
    • Gastric inhibitory Peptide- fat and glucose from stomach content
    • Secretin- arrival of stomach content
    • Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)- arrival of stomach content
  40. Phases of digestion?
    • cephalic
    • gastric
    • intestinal
  41. what is the function of cephalic phase of digestion?
    prepares stomach for food arrival
  42. what triggers cephalic phase?
    • sight, smell, taste or thoughts of food
    • vagus nerve
  43. what hormones are involved in cephalic phase?
    • vagus nerve stimulate submucosal plexus
    • mucous cells stimulate mucous
    • chief cells stimulate pepsinogen
    • parietal cell stimulate HCL
    • G cell for gastrin
  44. function of gastric phase?
    • enhance secretion started in cephalic phase
    • begin protien digest and mixing
  45. what triggers gastric phase?
    stretch and chemo receptors stimulate sumucosal and myenteric plexus
  46. function of intestinal phase?
    control rate of chyme entry into duodenum
  47. hormones involved in intestinal phase?
    • CCK stimulated by lipid an carbs in intestine inhibit cheif cell, parietal cell, mixing waves
    • GIP (same as CCK)
    • Secretin stimulated by decfrease pH in intestine inhibit (cells from above)
    • gastrin stimulated by undigested protein in intestine stimulate cheif cells for pepsinogen, parietal cell for HCL
Card Set
Digestive system-8
digestive system anatomy and function