chapter 3b World History

  1. What is the Greek motto?
    Nothing in excess everything in proportion
  2. What are 4 things that were a part of Greek culture?
    • Creative spirit
    • Versatile talents
    • Thirst for knowledge
    • Physical ability
  3. What did the Greeks call their land?
  4. What did the Greeks call themselves?
  5. What did Greek Philosophy do?
    Science- praised the human mind and its reasoning powers
  6. What did Greek literature do?
    Dealt with how man lives and acts
  7. Greek physical activity?
    To develop the human body to physical perfection
  8. Greek art focused on?
    The human form
  9. What are 3 errors of Greek focus on man?
    • Glorified the "creature more then the creator" Rom 12:5
    • Didn't acknowledge their responsibility to their creator
    • Believed "man is the measure (judge) of all things"
  10. What are mans basic questions of life?
    • Who am I
    • why am I here
    • Where am I going
  11. What was the highest philosopher good?
    To seek truth and attain knowledge
  12. Who was the Father of philosophy?
    • Thales
    • *Thales of Miletus
  13. What 3 things did Thales do?
    • Tried to explain the origin of the universe
    • Said water was the original substance of all things
    • Didn't deal with the question of right and wrong
  14. How were answers provided to mans basic question of life?
    6th century myths
  15. "Lovers of wisdom"
  16. What was Socrates motto?
    "Know theyself"
  17. What was Socrates teaching method?
    Ask leading questions, analyze
  18. Socrates taught that virtue prduces....
    knowlegde and ignorance produces evil.
  19. How did Socrates die?
    Was questioning some of the fundamental beliefs of Athens- was tried and condemned to death by poisoning (Hemlock)
  20. Who was the most famous student of Socrates?
  21. What school did Plato establish?
    School of philosophy and science in Athens (The Academy)
  22. What is Platos famous quote?
    "Too much liberty without restrain leads to anarchy
  23. What did Plato believe about eternity?
    Only eternal (permanent) things could be real- therefore since nothing is permanent, reality lies outside the physical world.
  24. Who was the teacher of Alexaner the Great?
  25. What did Aristotle believe about reality?
    Believed that reality is in the physical world (opposite of Plato)
  26. What was Aristotles more profound thing?
  27. Who developed the syllogism?
  28. What is syllogism?
    3 step system of logical thinking
  29. What began shortly after the death of Alexander?
    Epicureans and Stoics
  30. Who were the Epicureans founded by?
  31. How did Epicureans believe you could gain happiness?
    • believed that happiness and pleasure were attained by avoiding pain and fear
    • (hedonism)
  32. What did Stoics believe?
    Man must accept his fate and live a life of duty and self-controll (Sparta)
  33. Pythagorean theorem?
  34. "Father of gepmetry?"
  35. Who discovered the principle of the lever?
  36. Discovered the circumference of the world?
  37. "Father of medicine"?
  38. "Father of history"
  39. What did the Greeks think about Herodotus?
    Subject to bias and exaggeration toward the Greeks
  40. Who ws the more accurate historian?
  41. What were the 3 education factors of Drama plays?
    • Religious beliefs
    • In moral behavior
    • In civil pride (patriotism)
  42. Who wrote tradgedies?
  43. Who wrote comedies?
  44. 2 things about Archaic period?
    • Egyptian influence
    • Stiff and expressionless
  45. 2 thing about Classical period?
    • Highest achievement of Greek sculpture
    • Sought to represent the ideal man through sculpture
  46. Doric?
    Solid, strong, plain
  47. Ionic?
  48. Corinthian?
    Richly carved with leaf works
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chapter 3b World History
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