PSIA Children's Accrediation

  1. What are the 5 stages of Maslow's Hirearchy of needs?
    • 1) Physicial
    • 2) Safety and Security
    • 3) Belonging
    • 4) Self-Esteem
    • 5) Self-Actualization
  2. What are the 8 catagories of Gardner's Multiple Intelligencies
    • 1) Linguistic (Word Smart)
    • 2) Logical-mathmatical (Number or logic smart)
    • 3) Spatial (Picture Smart)
    • 4) Bodily or kinesthetic (Body or sport smart)
    • 5) Musical (Music smart)
    • 6) Interpersonal (People Smart)
    • 7) Intrapersonal (Self-smart)
    • 8) Naturalistic (Nature smart)
  3. What is the basic idea behind Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences?
    The theory of multiple intelligences is concerned with how people solve problems. Therefore if you are instructed in a way that fits your best learning style you will learn better.
  4. What does CAP stand for
    • C = Cognative - How a child thinks
    • A = Affective - How a child feels about things (emotional)
    • P = Physical or Psyco-motor - What they can do physicially
  5. What is the CAP Model
    The CAP Model is a guideling for determining a child's ability and potential within a specific age group.
  6. What is the age of someone in Piget's Formal Operational stage? What are some of the characteristics of a person in this stage?
    Age 11 and above

    • They can think logically about abstract ideas.
    • They can test hypotheses systematically
    • They are concerned about hypothetical possibilities, the future and idological problems
  7. What is the age of someone in Piget's Concrete Operational stage? What are some of the characteristics of a person in this stage?
    Age 7 to 11

    • They are beginning to put others needs above their own.
    • They can think logically, but concretely about things and events.
    • Can classify object by more then one feature.
    • Can order them in a series along a single dimension
  8. What is the age of someone in Piget's Pre-operational stage? What are some of the characteristics of a person in this stage?
    Age 2 to 7

    • Learns to use language. Represents objects with words and images.
    • They are egocentric. They don't care about others needs
    • They classify objects by a single feature. All red things, all square things no matter what color
  9. What is the age of someone in Piget's sensori-motor stage? What are some of the characteristics of a person in this stage?
    Age birth to 2 years.

    • Recognizes self as agent of action
    • Begins to act intentionally - shakes rattle to make noise
    • Realizes things still exist when they are no longer present.
  10. What are the ages of each stage of Piget's stages
    • 1) Sensori-motor = Age birth to 2
    • 2) Pre-operational = 2 to 7
    • 3) Concrete Operational = 7 to11
    • 4) Formal Operational = 11 and above
  11. If a child is fidegiting when off task, what is the most likely type of intelligence are they likely to have.
    Kinesthetic or body smart
  12. If a child is socializing when off task, what type of intelligence are they likely to have?
    Interpersonal (people smart)
  13. If a child is drawing in the snow, what is the most likely the type of intellligence they have?
    Spatial or picture smart
  14. If a child is talking when they are off task what type of intelligence are they most likey to have?
    Lingustic or word smart.
  15. What is a good way to determine a child's best developed intelligence
    Watch what they are doing off task.
  16. What are the 4 Stages of Piget's of Cognative Development
    • 1) Sensori-Motor
    • 2) Pre-operational
    • 3) Concrete Operational
    • 4) Formal Operational
Card Set
PSIA Children's Accrediation
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences