blaw ch1

  1. critical thinking skills
    the ability to understand the structure of an argument and apply a set of evaluative criteria to assess its merits.
  2. conclusion
    a position or stance on an issue; the goal toward which reasoning moves.
  3. reason
    an explanation or justification provided as support for a conclusion
  4. eight steps to legal reasoning
    • 1. What are the facts?
    • 2. What is the issue?
    • 3. What are the reasons and conclusion?
    • 4. What are the relevant rules of law?
    • 5. Does the legal argument contain significant ambiguity?
    • 6. What ethical norms are fundamental to
    • the court's reasoning?
    • 7. How appropriate are the legal analogies?
    • 8. Is there relevant missing information?
  5. ambiguous
    Susceptible to two or more possible interpretations.
  6. norm
    a standard of conduct
  7. ethical norms
    standards of conduct that we consider good or virtuous.
  8. primary ethical norms
    the four norms that provide the major ethical direction for the laws governing business behavior: freedom, stability, justice, and efficiency.
  9. analogy
    a comparison based on the assumption that if two things are alike in some respect, they must be alike in other respects.
Card Set
blaw ch1
business law chapter 1